First, Last - Memory or Dream?

247 10 31

part two~


Cross ducked past Killer's slashing, bumping the wall in his escape. Killer cackled, dashing after him with a whoop. "C'mon Crossy! That the best you got!" He twisted around the corner sharply, his feet slipping on the smooth tiles. Cross wobbled, careening across the floor, managing to hold his balance well enough to keep running. Judging from the yelp and the harsh thump, Killer hadn't been so lucky. Grinning now, Cross slid and stumbled his way through the halls, sweating from his efforts. His breath had left him by the time he reached a less slippery portion of floor. He found a grip quickly, taking off in an instant.

Killer's thudding footsteps followed after a moment. The light of the kitchen finally lit up the hall ahead, Cross's soul leaping into his throat. He pumped his legs faster, gritting his teeth. Killer swore breathlessly, wheezing as he tried to catch up. Cross caught the doorframe, intending to stop himself, but instead ended up swinging himself into the kitchen and slamming into a cupboard. A dull pain exploded in his back, a shoulder blade aching as a handle dug into it. Despite that, Cross was laughing. "I win! I'm the fastest!"

Killer came stumbling in, crashing into the counter and falling back with a grunt. He pouted, more playful than upset. "No fair! You know I'm not good with the tiles!" Cross did know this. It was the exact reason he'd led Killer into that hall. Instead of saying that, he dropped down onto the floor and smugly said, "Sore loser."

As Killer whined about his defeat, Cross got up, dusting himself off. The kitchen wasn't empty. Horror watched them blankly from the stove, though there was a slight crease at the edge of his good eye that spoke volumes about his exasperation. Cross stepped around Killer, smile turning sheepish. "Sorry, Horror. Killer wanted to have a race." Horror blinked at him. He shook his head, turning his gaze back to the pan of sizzling meat. "S'fine... wanna taste?" The spatula scraped the bottom of the pan, avoiding anything that wasn't fully cooked yet. He held it up, his hand trembling just the slightest bit.

Cross's mouth watered at the spicy smell, eagerly cupping his hands. "Sure." Horror dumped the small bits in his hand, watched intently as Cross popped them into his mouth. He chewed slowly, humming at the taste. Horror tilted his head, waiting. "...'s it.. good?" The spatula went back into the pan. Cross swallowed, giving a smile. "It's delicious, man. A bit salty, but really good." He wanted more. Whether that was his stomach speaking or not, he didn't know. Still, Cross asked for another bite, which Horror gave easily. He shooed Cross away when he asked for a third, instead telling him to get Killer out. "Wh- Hey! What did I do?" Horror flicked a few grains of salt at him. "Smelly.."

Killer stuck his tongue out, though he was really in no way offended. "No need to be so salty." Cross snorted at the pun, moving away from Horror to take Killer by the hood. Killer grinned, calling to Horror as he was dragged away, in a fairly dramatic tone as well, "At least someone appreciates meeee..!" Cross rolled his eyes. "Moron," he muttered fondly.

Dinner was ready not too long later. Cross could almost see Killer's ears prick up, like a dog who heard a whistle. Instead of a whistle, though, Killer was probably hearing those bells. After a brief pause, Cross could also pick up the faint jingling. Killer was already making for the hall, "I'll get Dusty, you get the boss." Cross didn't bother answering, seeing as the other had vanished. The bells started up again, more insistently. Horror rather liked the bell system. There was a chain in the kitchen that, when pulled, would trigger a series of hidden bells throughout the castle.

It was rather convenient. Nightmare had made an odd face when Horror told him of his discovery, but he'd encouraged it. "It would be easier on your voice," he'd said, a glint in his eye that Cross hadn't been able to place. His voice had been laced with something reminiscing. Cross didn't think of that moment often, not really. He wasn't sure why he thought of it now. Possibly because he was on his way to see Nightmare. Whatever the reason, Cross shrugged it off and quickened his step. Horror got impatient sometimes.

The doors to Nightmare's library were large. Not quite as impressive as the throne room or the front doors, but impressive nonetheless. The engravings were gorgeous, extensive and intricate as they were. Cross tapped his knuckles just below a wooden rose. Nightmare's voice, soft and full of something sad, came through the door. "You may come in." He seemed to be far away, or perhaps that was just the way the doors filtered it. Either way, Cross pushed the heavy oaken door open, poking his head in. He slipped in, smiling. "Heya, boss."

Nightmare's answering smile was kind, real. It struck Cross as odd, a deep part of his mind protesting that it was weird. He couldn't stop himself from tilting his head. "You smiled..?" The feeling vanished instantly, Cross berating himself. Of course Nightmare had smiled! He always smiled at him! Nightmare let out a quiet laugh, "Yes, Cross, I did. Does it bother you?" It didn't, but it did? When had Nightmare started smiling real smiles? He shook his head, annoyed with himself. Where was this coming from?? Cross ignored the weird emotions stirring in his mind, opting to give Nightmare a response. "Of course not, boss. I just had a weird thought—"

Nightmare looked at him, and Cross's thoughts suddenly stopped. A feeling fluttered in Cross's mind, silent and faint, like the wings of a moth. He knew somewhere, somehow, in some way, that Nightmare hadn't always looked this old. A distant something, a memory, a thought, an image, flickered. For a single moment, before his own eyes, Nightmare flickered. Old age gave way to youth, exhaustion replaced with contentment. The heaviness that weighed on him now gone. And yet, he looked the same. He looked like he hadn't aged a day-

"Cross?" He blinked and his brows furrowed. Nightmare stood before him, his expression twisted in worry. His crown gleamed in the warm candle light- Cross stared up at him, eyes fixed on his crownless king. Crownless? King? Nightmare had never worn a crown, nor had he claimed to be royalty. Where were these ridiculous ideas coming from? Nightmare's cool hand cupped his cheek, drawing his attention once more. His frown was deepened. "Are you alright?"

Cross blinked once more, and smiled. "I'm alright. Just forgot why I came." Why had he come? Oh! He snapped his fingers, "Ah, right! It's time for dinner." Nightmare's frown eased into a smile, tension fading. He seemed amused, though Cross couldn't fathom why. "Well then, little amnesiac, let us go then." Cross couldn't help but bristle, pouting at the teasing name. "Boss!" Nightmare laughed, stepping around him to get to the door. The way he carried himself was mesmerizing, his walk so smooth Cross almost thought him to be gliding. Nightmare paused at the open door, turning to look back at Cross. "Are you coming?"

Cross grinned back easily, hurrying to join him. "I'm right behind ya." Nightmare chuckled as Cross followed him into the hall, starting to make his way towards the kitchen. Cross hesitated though, glancing back into the now darkened library, his mind oddly blank. He could've sworn...

Nightmare called to him again, Cross startling. "Coming! I'm just closing the door!" He pulled it shut, sprinting back to Nightmare's side, and fell into step with him. "So, you read anything.."

[what was he thinking about again???]


this was supposed to be posted yesterday whoops also hey guess what i think I'll be able to get the once-a-week schedule thing started.

anyways, here's things I've got started and/or are working on:



-Something w/ kross, ft cross's new outfit from 0.6

-s t a l k


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