Nightmares (Rat)

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"Say it." Cross trembled, shaking his head frantically, clawing at his throat. Hate's smile was blinding in the dark, white teeth glinting brighter than the knife he held. "Say it, Cross." Tears streamed down his cheeks, his fingers stained with his own blood as he tried to pry his jaws open. Say it, say it, say it, say it, say it-! Cross sobbed through his teeth, his mouth refusing to open no matter how much he tore at them.

"Huh. You see that, Killer? He doesn't care about you. He won't even say one measly phrase to save your life." Killer's pleading gaze withered, his tear-stained face contorting. "Pops?" Cross was trying so fucking hard, and yet- "He won't say it. What a pity." The knife flashed, and Cross screamed. His legs, once stuck and locked in place, finally moved, and he scrambled to his feet. White eyelight fading, soul cracking, dust trickling through his fingers, Hate's laughter echoing through the darkness... Cross stared down at his hands, shaking horribly. "Look what you did. You're a killer."  The pun made him heave.

Killer, Killer, Killer, Killer, Killer, Killer, Killer, KillER, KILLER, KILLER, KILLER, KILLER-

"KILLER!" The scream left his throat feeling raw and dry. Chest heaving, Cross sharply turned to where Killer should've been sleeping. Only, instead of sleeping, Killer was sitting up with wide eyes. Cross shuddered as reality finally caught up with him. His shoulders slumped. Cross rubbed his skull with a shaking hand, letting out a weak huff. "Go back to sleep. Everything's okay." The thing was, he didn't know if he was talking to himself or Killer. He repeated himself, softer this time. 

Killer frowned worriedly, shifting closer to take ahold of Cross's free hand. "I'm here, pa. I don't know what happened, but I'm here, and I'm not leaving anytime soon, 'kay?" Cross grit his teeth, sockets burning with tears that he refused to let out. He was fine now. He was fine. He shut his eyes tightly, whispering his agreement. "I know..Just..just go back to sleep. I'm okay." Killer nodded, even though he didn't believe Cross. Once the younger was asleep, Cross broke, sobbing silently into his hands.

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