Guard Dog

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now enjoy this story of LV 20 Himbo getting his daily hugs and cuddles from his boyfriends

it gets just a little bit spicy towards the end, but it's all strictly fluffy


Cross's day started at 4 am, at the same time Nightmare's day started. Nightmare always got up early, at the exact same time every day. Before, he would wake up and spend the next four hours enjoying the quiet solitude. Now, though, he couldn't do that without waking Cross up first. Nightmare used to try his hardest to get up quietly, but Cross's horns, being made of sensitive magic, always felt the air dispositions, and he'd wake up with a quiet rumble.

Nightmare had given up after the first month, instead lightly poking Cross's shoulder to wake the sleeping beast. Nightmare always enjoyed watching Cross wake up. Sometimes, if Cross had been sleeping deeply, his horns would spark and he'd stretch like a cat.

True to habit, Cross's horns gave a few flashes and his spine arched up. His claws left light indentions in the ground, his shoulders bunching up, then he slumped on his side, mumbling incoherently. His eyelights were bright, slightly blurry from sleep, but shining like beacons nonetheless.

Nightmare patted Cross's skull, making sure to rub at the base of Cross's left horn before he stood up and took a moment to stretch. Cross shifted onto his knees, rubbing his eyesocket, huffing as his right eye started to water. Like it always did, magical fluid streamed from his eye, to his never-ending annoyance. He swiped at it tiredly, doing nothing but sending droplets everywhere.

Nightmare watched, frowning slightly. "Cross, you're making a mess." Cross yawned in response, his jaw creaking a bit and tongue curling like a cat's. His canines clicked when he closed his mouth, much to Nightmare's growing amusement and Cross's annoyance.

Cross's voice used to be somewhat on the high-pitched side, like a teenage boy going through puberty. Killer would tease him endlessly over it. Now, he was more on Nightmare-level deep, but where as Nightmare could make high-pitched noises, Cross couldn't. Killer liked to make jokes about the 'orgasmic quality' that Cross's new voice had, which always made Cross flush and glare at him.

Cross didn't talk a lot now, though, and with how Killer would fake moan when he did talk, Cross was considering going mute. He gave a soft snort, shaking his head. The weight of horns felt odd, no matter how used to it he was. He was constantly hyper-aware of them, of the way they cut through the air or would brush against things

His overall awareness of his own mass had expanded to the horns, so they weren't much of a problem, unlike when he'd first gotten them. A shiver ran up his spine at the memory of them scraping the ceiling. It made him think of those videos where humans would scrape their nails on chalkboards or rusted metal just for fun.

Despite having just woken up, Cross's mind was already running away from him. He shook his head, blinking a few times to focus on Nightmare. The boss had started undressing, cursing to himself as his tentacles tangled up in his sleepshirt. Cross shuffled over, quietly saying, "Hold still." Nightmare shuddered, taken off guard by Cross's voice

He was quick to cover his reaction up, going still. Cross carefully picked at Nightmare's clothes, his teeth clicking in concentration. Nightmare's spine began aching, his shoulders tensing the longer he stood still. Finally, Cross muttered something and pulled away with Nightmare's shirt bunched up in his hand. Nightmare sighed, relaxing. He patted Cross's chest, "Go on and wait in the hall."

Cross set the shirt down, scooping Nightmare up and nuzzling the darker. Nightmare chuckled, "Alright, alright." He pecked Cross's check in a quick skele-kiss, allowing Cross to hug him a bit longer before he squirmed. "Cross, I need to get dressed."

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