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Reaper stepped into his home with a yawn, his scythe disappearing as he searched for his precious Geno. Instead, he found the fucking destroyer of worlds napping on his couch. Reaper froze, sockets wide in shock. He backed out of the house quickly, rapidly muttering, "What the fuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckohmygodwhatthefuck-"

"You good?" Reaper did not scream and jumped away from the voice. He spun around to see Error there, grinning smugly. Reaper let out a startled chip, cutting the sound off with words. "Uh, I mean why are you here?" Error shrugged, ushering Reaper back into the house. "Me 'n Geno had some plans for tea. You might as well join."

Reaper was shoved onto the recliner. Error sat on the couch again, eyeing Reaper as the two sat in silence. "Papa!" A small blur of white launched onto his lap, knocking the air from his nonexistent lungs. Goth held him in a death grip, squeezing his father tightly. Reaper wheezed, patting his son's skull and trying to get him off. He gasped as he was released, chuckling breathlessly as Goth squirmed in his lap. "Hello, hatchling. What's got you so exited?" Error gave a glitched laugh, "The kid's been hyped for cookies." Reaper almost chirped again. He'd never get used to a chill, almost domestic, Error.

Blessedly, Geno appeared, several trays stacked expertly along his arm. He beamed at his husband, "Hi, Reaps. How was work?" Reaper set Goth on the floor, releasing the small devil as he stood up to kiss Geno's skull. "Same as usual, love. Um, can I ask why Error is in our home?" Geno hummed, leaning away to set down the plates as he answered. "Hun, we do this all the time. Error comes over every few days for tea and Undernovela. It's about time you'd joined in, you know." Reaper glanced at Error, finding him already staring at him. "Erm..What's Undernovela?"

Goth gasped dramatically, "But Papa!! It's so cool! You've gotta watch it with us!" Error snickered, absently giving the child a cookie. "Kid's right, Godling. Undernovela is the best au slash show out there. And I hate aus." Goth let out a pleased squawk, shoving the entire cookie into his mouth. Geno shushed them, patting the sofa beside him, "Come sit with me, Reaps. Error always sits in the recliner." Reaper shrugged, deciding to roll with it, hovering over to sit beside his small husband. Goth scrambled to sit with them, wedging himself between them and grinning toothily. Error glitched to sit in the recliner, and Goth jumped up again, this time bounding over to the destroyer. Reaper yelped in alarm as the child lept onto Error, making himself comfortable.

Error didn't throw a fit like Reaper expected, instead chuckling and patting the boy's skull. Geno laughed softly at Reaper's expression. "C'mon, Reaper. He's not all bad." He lowered his voice, "Belive it or not, he's got a soft spot for kids. Gothy absolutely adores him." Reaper stared at his son tensly, praying that he wouldn't get hurt. Geno elbowed him, "He'll be fine, Reaps. Goth always sits with him, and Error's used to the little bird." Reaper sighed, but trusted his husband.

"Unca Ror! Gimme another cookie!" Reaper froze yet again. "What."

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