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guys guys guys, this one is a lil fucked up, and it's entirely inspired by this story: And The Trees Crept In, by Dawn Kurtagich.

The story is an absolute masterpiece, and it's so fucked up, like dear god. if you can, please, please consider getting a copy of it, because it's so fucking good and so fucked up, it's amazing. the main character goes nearly insane over the course of the story and klasdkfjaskldjfa i'm fanboying it's so fucking good ahhhh anyways take this short drabble based on a scene in the story


"Horror!" Cross cupped his hands around his mouth, shouting as loud as he could. "HORROR!!"

The old house creaked, the howling wind outside his only response. Cross glanced to Killer, shaking his head. "I don't know where he could've gone." Dust pushed away from the wall, his fingers twitching spastically. "He's upset, you morons. He won't come out until he wants to."

Cross frowned, "Why is he upset?" Dust's feverishly bright eyelights met Cross's, the guard shifting uncomfortably. "...I forgot. Cross, you never heard what boss said, did ya?" Cross shook his head, "No, I didn't. What'd he say?"

Dust inclined his head, "We're out of food. And we won't be able to get any until Error unlocks the au we're in." It took Cross a moment to understand. "But why wou-.." His eyelights blanked out. "Oh."

"We need to find Horror before he does anything stupid," Killer mumbled. Cross rubbed his throat, visibly concerned. "I think he might be in the training building, if he's not in here at all. I'll go check, and you guys do another sweep of the castle, okay?" Killer nodded dutifully, Dust following after him as he left. Cross turned, dashing out of the room to the back entrance.

Dead leaves crunched underfoot, a twig snapping at some point. Cross hurried along, nerves growing each passing second. Something was wrong. The forest was dying, why was it dying? It wasn't Fall yet, there shouldn't be this many leaves on the floor.

The smell of rotting flesh hung overhead thickly, drifting out of the woods. Trees swayed in the wind, sounding all the world like screaming to Cross's sensitive hearing. The trees were chasing him. That's what it felt like. Shivers ran up Cross's spine, his pace quickening into a jog. The training building came into view after a long moment, Cross sagging with relief. He shoved the doors open, slamming them shut, a shield against whatever was in the woods.

The training room was dead silent. Cross hushed his own breathing, straining his hearing. Soft breaths echoed in the room, and just beneath it, the soft shifting of clothes and creaking bones. Cross swallowed dryly. "..Horror?"

There was a crunch. A dry, loud, nasty crunch. Cross quickly lit the lanterns along the walls, flinching as the crunching sped up. Horror snarled, backed into the wall, looking frantic as he shoveled something into his mouth. Cross's soul dropped. "What are you eating?" He stepped closer, his horns flickering. "Horror?"

"You can't... stop me.! 'm.. 'm hungry!" More of that horrible crunching. Nausea rose in Cross's nonexistent gut. "Horror, show me what you have." Horror shook his head and Cross steeled himself. He teleported over, grabbing Horror's arms, and ripping them away from his mouth. A million tiny somethings scattered across the floor with hollow noises, like tiny plastic pebbles. Horror thrashed out of Cross's grip, kicking him away and scrambling to collect the little pieces.

Cross felt bile rising in his throat. Horror fumbled with the wasp husks, frantically eating them. Cross snapped out of it, rushing over to wrestle him away. "Horror, stop!"

Horror sobbed, "No, no, no, please!" Tears spilled over, red droplets falling freely down Horror's cheeks. Cross grimaced, shoving his hand in Horror's mouth. A silvery wing clung to Horror's chin, a tiny black leg dangling from his teeth. Horror flailed his legs, whining, his eye pained.

Cross cast the chewed up insects aside, picking Horror up and wiping his tears, intending to leave the room as quickly as possible. Horror wailed, clawing at the ground, desperate. "NO NO NO NO I'M HUNGRY PLEASE CROSS!"

Cross soul ached painfully, none of it reflected in his tone. "No, Horror. We're getting you back to Nightmare, okay?" Horror cried, his voice muffled as Cross tucked his head into the crook of his neck. Horror buried his face in Cross's hood, clinging to him. Cross's eyes burned with unshed tears.


djskfaskldjfasdkj okay, okay, lemme explain. in the story, the girl, Silla finds her little sister eating dead bug husks, because she's fucking starving, and Silla feels so guilty about it, even though there's literally nothing she can do.

idk, seems like something horror would do

also, it was lv20 cross

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