
505 12 29

(Kinda old but not)



Reaper wondered how he'd ever lived without him. He was stunning, the embodiment of all things good and bad. His smile was dazzling, his laugh was melodious, his voice was so sweet. The kindest soul he'd ever come across. Strong, beautiful, kind, loving, sweet little Geno.

How had Geno ever lived without Reaper? He was stunning. Despite the job his husband had, Reaper was still so kind. He'd given Geno all he needed, and more. He was perfect.

How did he spend so long without him, and be happy? He didn't know how he was able to feel such joy back then without Geno. How had he ever lived without him? Geno had never known true happiness until Reaper was there.

How had he lived without Reaper?

How had he lived without Geno?

He didn't. The doctors told him over and over, "You don't have a husband." But that wasn't true. He wasn't real either. He wasn't...

Or was he? Who was he? Where was his Reaper? Where did his little Geno go? Where is he?

Fingers snapped in front of his eyes, calling him out of his mind. A bright smile greeted him when his eyes focused. "There you are!" The doctor laughed at his confused expression. "It's lunchtime, silly! Here, eat up, and we'll go outside, okay?" He managed to nod, hissing at the pain it brought. Stitches tore, the medical tape was dislodged, and blood started dotting the split bone. The doctor's kind smile warped into something angry. "What have I told you about moving your head?!" The doctor yanked on the chain they held, forcing him to follow them down the hall. A distorted whimper left him as the metal collar agitated his wounds, but it was drowned out by another creature's howl. And another. And another. Terrible cries and screams of tormented beings echoed through the cold halls. "Hurry up, you bitch!" One half of him wanted to cower, and the other grew angry.

How dare they call him such a name!

Be good, be good, be good...

He was locked in his cell. A white room. There were no doors. White, white, white. It was an artist's nightmare. Artist? Nightmare? He whined, voices overlapping to form the sound. He knew an artist, who knew a nightmare. But where were they? As the hours dragged on, anger and hope mixed.

They're coming for me! I'm sure of it!

Where the hell were they?! They said they'd find me!

"Wake up, beast." He was not asleep. Nothing and no one rested in this place. They never did. "I said, wake up!" An ungodly roar shook the cage as he- no, they were hit with electricity. Punishment for disobedience. "Don't make me repeat myself." Limbs shaking, they hauled themselves up to their legs. The door opened. "AD09, I will only say this once. Misbehave, and I will not hesitate to punish you, understood?" They shivered in fear and rage.

Be good, be good, be good...

They don't have the right to treat you this way!

"Step out of the cage."

Be good, be good, be good...

I refuse to let them hurt you!

The left hand moved forward to pull their body forward, the right hand moved to hold them in place. One leg struggled to push them, the other scrambled to keep them from moving. "D9, stop resisting!" The right arm and leg stilled, and the left limbs were able to drag them out of the cage.

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