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a bunch of unfinished stories uvu


They used to wait for him.

On the days when it was hard to get up, hard to gather any will to even want to get up, they would wait for him. No matter how long it took, they waited. And once he came shuffling silently into the room, they would leave. Together, all of them. Even when it got harder and harder to get up, they waited. It was good, it made him want to get up more, it was helping him get better.

Good things never last. When he stepped out to join them today, they were gone. It struck a chord deep in his soul, one he hadn't felt for a long time. It hurt. But he didn't do anything about it. He knew what the mission was, so he opened a portal, and joined them. The battle ended shortly after he appeared. Nightmare called the retreat as soon as he took a step out of the portal. The gang charged towards the newly opened portal, forcing him back through. It closed once Nightmare was through. He stepped back, staring at them blankly. Killer was the first to address him. "Where the fuck were you?" He blinked at him, slow and confused. "We waited for two hours! Two hours, Cross! What, were you putting on makeup or something?! What the fuck were you doing that took you so long to do?!"

He backed up, restoring the space between them. Killer had gotten too close. When he was the usual distance away, around ten feet, he quietly murmured that he'd been getting up. Dust was the next person to speak. "Two hours, getting up? I smell bullshit." They...didn't believe him? Dust continued, unaware of his internal turmoil. "You need to stop being so fucking lazy. God, you're starting to become useless." He took another few steps away. Dust had done the same as Killer. Horror piped up from behind Dust, "Y'ain't pullin' yer weight, kid." Once again, he backed away. His voice was barely above a whisper. "...getting too close.." Killer threw his hands up, "You're on the other side of the room, you fucking retard."

"Cross." He turned to look at Nightmare. W̷h̷y̷ ̷d̷i̷d̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷y̷ ̷k̷e̷e̷p̷ ̷c̷a̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷h̷i̷m̷ ̷t̷h̷a̷t̷?̷ ̷H̷i̷s̷ ̷n̷a̷m̷e̷ ̷w̷a̷s̷ ̷C̷h̷a̷r̷a̷,̷ ̷n̷o̷t̷ ̷C̷r̷o̷s̷s̷. He shook his head, "Shut up." A heavy feeling settled over the room. He blinked slowly at his gang, taking notice of their gaping jaws. He blinked again. The air dropped several degrees, and continued to do so. The room grew dark. Shadows twisted and stretched out. It took a few moments to understand what was wrong. Nightmare was angry. No, he was furious. "What did you say?" He didn't understand fully though. What had he done to upset him? "CROSS." This time, he flinched, something akin to fear shooting through his body.

I know it's hard to persuade you, so I will let you choose if you will join me or not.

"You're ignoring me now?? Are you the boss now? Telling me to shut up and ignoring me? I'll put you in your place-!"

Take your time. We will prepare the essentials in the meantime.

"Cross! Fucking answer me!!"

We will be waiting for you, Cross.

"T̸h̸e̷y̷'̶r̸e̴ s̵t҈i̷l̷l̷ w̷a҉i̸t̷i̴n̷g̶ f̷o̶r̵ u̸s҉,̸ C̴r҈o̸s̵s̴" He stiffened. His hands flew to his mouth, his right socket starting to burn with magic. But that didn't stop him. His hands jerked midmovement, trembling violently. Something was dripping from his sockets. A black dot fell from his face and onto his white shirt sleeve, staining it. "Aw, you're scared of me. Don't worry, old friend. I won't hurt you. I'll just kill these guys. What are their names again?" His arms were starting to grow numb, the feeling spreading ever so slightly with each passing second. He started to wave them, trying to keep the feeling at bay. His own voice broke from him, purring as he kept shaking his arms. "I think the octopus knows what's happening now!" He froze, looking up to blink rapidly at his gang. Killer had his hands raised, one hand raised to feel at his own tear-stained cheeks and the other gripping a knife tightly. Behind him, Horror and Dust were staring at him with wide eyes. Nightmare took a step forward when he met his gaze. "They can't help you~ Don't even bother trying to ask them to." He shuddered, his chest starting to heave, and he turned quickly to dart back into the hall. 

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