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Killer had to be really careful, Cross had a habit of being inconveniently perceptive. Thankfully, Killer knew what to do to distract him.

He rubbed his hands together, before picking up a dvd case. He'd bought an anime series, which he would use to his advantage.

Killer checked the case(sometimes the discs weren't in the cases until you paid for them and the store gave you the actual disc) to make sure he had the actual disc.

He closed the case once he was sure, tucking it away into his inventory and leaving his bedroom. Cross's room was too close to everyone else's, and Killer wanted absolute privacy for this.

He bit his tongue as he walked, his mind racing with doubts and worries. Cross had been fine the first time they watched anime together, so maybe he would be totally into this time as well. Though, Cross had mentioned hanging out with Epic sometime soon, and if Epic was here today, that would mean Killer would have to post-pone everything and it would give him too much time to think it over and by the time he could actually do it, he would've already talked himself out of it.

Killer grunted as he ran into something solid, startled out of his thoughts. He fell back, huffing. "Who the hell-" Cross blinked down at him, a half-grin on his face. "Something on your mind, dude? You never fall, much less run into anyone." Killer stared up at him, all of his confidence suddenly vanished. He popped up from the floor, seamlessly putting on a confident air and holding out a hand to Cross.

"Criss-Cross! I was just looking for you." Cross tipped his head to the side, something that sent Killer's mind into hysterics. "What for?"

"Aha-" He winced at the slight stumble in his voice, clearing his throat, "I was gonna offer another binge night?" Cross seemed to perk up, his half-smile blooming into a full one. "Anime watching? Again?" His eyes narrowed, "Are you trying to trick me? No one ever wants to watch more."

Killer shrugged, grinning back, "Yeah, well, maybe I liked the last time. So, whatcha say?" Cross beamed, clapping Killer's shoulder. "Of course, man!" His smile fell slightly, Cross glancing past Killer. He deflated somewhat, "Oh, but me and Epic were about to go spar."

Killer blinked. Epic was here today? He looked around, "Where is he?" A loud scream filled the air, Killer jumping a foot into the air. Cross burst into laughter, Epic strolling around, holding a screaming chicken in his hands. Killer relaxed, scoffing. Cross wheezed, "Damn Killer, you're really unhinged today." Killer laughed, "Haha, yeah. So then what about after you spar?"

Epic was watching Killer with a knowing look, his grin much wider than usual. He didn't wait for Cross to answer, instead pulling him aside and loudly saying, "Yo, bruh, we can spar tomorrow. Paps wants me to go shopping to day anyways."

Cross squinted, "You skipped out on chores?? Didn't you get in trouble last time you did that?" Epic snorted, waving his hand, "Forget about that, go hang out with Killer." Cross shrugged, "Alright then. Make sure you check that list front and back." Epic saluted him, vanishing in a blink of an eye.

Cross turned back to Killer, grinning. "So, how's about that anime?"

Cross was asleep. Killer had finally built himself up to say something, and Cross was asleep. He sighed heavily, smiling to himself. "Cross, you idiot. Couldn't've waited a few more minutes." He closed the computer, setting it aside in favor of pulling Cross into his arms and standing. Cross groaned, making Killer freeze, scared he'd woken Cross up.

The sleeping guard only shifted a bit and went back to sleep. Killer silently relaxed, slowly moving to lay Cross down in his bed. He took a few pillows for himself, stretching out on the floor.

He laced his hands on his chest, staring up at the dark ceiling, chewing on his tongue. He sucked in a huge breath, "I love you, Cross."


Killer shot up from the floor, choking as he smacked his face on the bad. Cross had tumbled off the bed, hitting the floor with a thump. The two stared at each other, their faces bright with their respective colors. Killer laughed nervously, standing slowly and shuffling around to Cross. "You, uh. You okay there?" Cross stared up at him with huge eyes, his mouth open with shock. Killer felt sweat beading on his skull, his anxiety shooting through the roof. "Cross?"

Cross practically charged Killer suddenly, leaping up and grabbing him aggressively. Killer yelped as he was tackled and pinned to the floor, his skull ringing from impact. For a moment, he stared at Cross, his face slowly burning hotter. "C...cross?"

Cross licked his teeth, his eyelights bright. "I'm going to mess you up."


Cross can be horny too uwu

he absolutely rawed killer and killer has never been happier

anyways, killer likes cross lots, this was great to write i'm laughing so hard right now.

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