Drabbles 2

267 12 5

okay most of these are gonna be short. I've had these ideas lying around for nearly a year and I wanna try to use them.

lmfao, these were copied straight from my list, and i didn't feel like changing them so uwu suffer.

Today's prompts are:
-ewwor had a panic attack in lusttale uwu shit gets crazy.
-Killer feeds Horror some uwu food
-ghost bois owo cross and dusty have something in common
-Dream smooks oooo killer's a snitch

Let the writing BEGIN!


It was a quiet day. Lust had just left Grillby's and was heading home, humming to himself under his breath. Snow crunched beneath his boots, a long trail of footsteps winding out behind him. Most of the underground was already inside.

"..up to party, in your Ferrari.." Lust's skull was still ringing from the loud music, and he had some songs stuck in his head. There had been a party, which was why he was so late getting home.

It's a good thing that Snowdin was so small. Lust could already see his house. He sped up a little, kicking up snow and snickering as it rained down. Any amusement quickly drained away as a blotch of crimson snow caught his attention. There was steam rising from it. Lust backtracked, kneeling in the snow to feel at the slush. It was warm. Despite his better judgment, he sniffed it, the corners of his sockets wrinkling in disgust. Copper, tinged with the sour smell of dust. 

The implications, however, made him forget his disgust in favor of worry. Someone was hurt, and if the amount of blood meant anything, they were hurt bad. Lust glanced around, spotting a trail of red dots. Bingo. He hopped up, following it into the woods.

The further he went in, the more blood he found. Footsteps that went side to side, like the person was zig-zagging, and the occasional puddle at the base of a tree. Lust hurried along, his worry growing. Someone was hurt very badly. A soft cry came from up ahead, followed by faint cursing and shuffling.

Lust finally got a glimpse of the injured person, and immediately froze. There, curled up on the floor against the back of the Librarby, was Error. He was shaking horribly, blood pooling beneath him. Before Lust could even think to run away, Error let out another weak sound, this one bordering on a sob.

The destroyer's glitches were going wild, swarming him like a cloud. Lust couldn't see his face behind one of those said clouds. But blue tears were dripping down Error's face clearly, and it sat wrong in Lust's soul. For some odd reason, seeing someone as proud and strong as Error having a breakdown in the Snowdin of a LustTale timeline was...

"Error?" At Lust's hesitant call, Error stiffened and whipped his head up. "Wh-h-who's there-ere?!" Lust winced at the panicked desperation, taking a step back. "I'm this universe's Sans." Error glitched wildly, his hands shaking as he pulled out his strings. "Which-ich-ch uni-universe?! Whe-e-e-ere?!" Error's voice was skipping and breaking up more than Lust was sure was normal. He softened his tone, trying to steady his voice. "LustTale."

A whole new wave of glitches washed over Error's bloodied bones, the black structures breaking apart and coming back together over and over. That had to hurt. Lust started forward, "You're hurt-" Error blindly flung out his hand, strings flying out and cutting through trees. Lust yelped as it happened, quick to step back. "St-t-t-tay away-ay!"

"Okay! Okay, just calm down." Error was seething, hissing in Lust's general direction. His other hand was fumbling around in the snow, looking for something. Lust flinched, jerking his arm up to defend himself, as Error threw something at him. There was a soft pomph! as whatever it was landed in the snow at Lust's feet. He blinked in surprise, looking down at the item. A cell phone.

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