there's a doozy

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nightmare angst ft bsp!! requested by BoREADSFanfic!!! sorry this took so long, amigo ehe


The floor had been ripped out from under him the moment he saw him lying unmoving in the snow.

It was a brutal reminder of how easily broken his mortals were. The truth was thrown in his face without mercy, a reality learned the hard way.

The sounds of battle faded into static, pressure building up in his skull, his throat closing up as panic set in.

He didn't care for grace, for his usual elegance, kicking up snow and stumbling to Dust's side. "Dust?!" He fell to his knees, frantic as he hovered over his fallen partner, his hands shaking. Dust's face was cold to the touch, the warmth brought on by his perpetually overcharged magic entirely absent.

Nightmare's soul plummeted into oblivion. He tore his hands away, covering his mouth to stifle a sob.

A twin set of thin purple lines trailed down Dust's chin, weeping from his cracked nasal bone and slackened mouth to stain the snow.


"Boss, m'fine! I can get my own food," Dust complained from his bed. His voice was still somewhat nasally from the congestion— his body was blocking his nasal passage with magic in an effort to heal the damage. The entire plane of his upper body was tightly wrapped with gauze, each strip soaked through to the point of spilling with healing medicines and intent. The bed was getting increasingly damp from the excess.

Nightmare stood firm at the door, arms crossed over his chest and frown deep. "Absolutely not. You are not allowed to leave your bed until you are fully and completely healed." Dust dropped his head back onto his pillow, groaning loudly like a bratty child being forced to wear fancy clothes they hated. "C'mooonnnnn mannn, it's been weeksssss!"

"Yes, and it will likely be longer."

"Ugh! Don't you think you're overreacting?? Just a little??"

Unmoving, cold, broken, dying-

Nightmare narrowed his eye, bitter. "No."

Dust lifted his head at the change in tone, confused, but the door was already shutting with a click. He grumbled under his breath, settling back in for another day of bedrest.


Dream cried out, struck violently in the side with something heavy, the hit sending him tumbling down the hill into a tree. Blue slid to a stop beside him, cradling his left arm, his face twisted in pain. His clothes were damaged beyond belief, the garments barely holding onto his bones at this point. One eye was sealed shut with dried blood, the dark blue flakes leading up to a deep gash that still gushed fresher blood.

Blue's leg buckled as he stood, his ankle popping. Dream shakily pushed himself up, struggling to his feet with a grimace. His head spun with vertigo, the sharp tang of blood filling his mouth. He spat it out, wiping his mouth with a puff of air. "I think... they're.. kinda mad..," Dream got out between pants. Blue grunted his agreement, hissing at the shattered bones of his arm. He wouldn't be able to use it anymore for a while.

Dream took stock of his own injuries, frowning at the state of his clothes. His body suit was torn embarrassingly at the crotch, the seams actively splitting even as he watched. That would take priority in repairs. His right glove was nearly ripped in half, the other not faring any better. He fingered the burnt part of his hood/scarf/cape, frowning at the way it crumbled slightly. His knee was throbbing like hell, growing stiffer the longer he stood still, the magic around the joints vibrant with agitation.

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