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You can think of this as a continuation of Journal, but just minus the whole snooping bastard and journal and dying. 


Reaper was hurt. No, not physically, but it sure as hell felt like it. His chest ached and his SOUL burned, a sudden aching pit filling his chest. He'd only felt this once before, and it hurt just as bad as he remembered. He hated it.

Both times were caused by the same person.

Life had come back, she'd reformed, after so many years. Reaper had longed for her before her death, and he was crushed when he found that she'd died. He was overcome with joy when he found her alive and well in her home. And it was that joy that led him to forget someone precious.

See, Reaper's affection had passed on to someone else. Someone had broken through his cold shell and had warmed his SOUL with adorable stubbornness and grumpy cuddles. He'd found a new person to pine after, someone else to love. Someone he could actually touch without killing. It was astounding, fenominal, and after so much time, he'd come to seek that beautiful SOUL that had captured his so wonderfully. He'd been smitten, utterly infatuated with this being, and he was sure that his affections were reciprocated.

He'd devoted his time and care, his everything, to his new beau, and he didn't regret it. He adored the mood swings, the shy smiles, the dying SOUL, the bright red blush, everything about his love. And he couldn't ask for more. He'd found happiness after having it torn from him.

And then, the news came. Life is back! She's finally reformed! Oh, how foolish Reaper was, abandoning his beloved so hastily to see it for himself. How foolish he was to allow his 'precious sweetheart' to slip from his mind, to drown the memories of newfound joy and love with old ones. It doesn't hurt to look back, to yearn for something he'd lost, but to leave everything for a chance at impossible is folly.

It is because of such foolishness that Reaper forgot his love for another. He forgot the sweet kisses shared over coffee and brownies, he forgot the loving smiles and caring hugs. He forgot his Geno.

And for what? A goddess who had revealed to despise him. After all, he was Death and she was Life, there could be no friendship between them, much less a relationship. She'd rejected his confession, and left him to wallow in his misery.

Wallowing in misery only left him more miserable. That's precisely what his brother said. "I cannot allow you to be hindered by something so trivial, brother. Go. We have work to do." And it was with the reminder of his job that Reaper was struck with grief and disgust more powerful than anything he'd ever felt.

His brother turned to him at his silence, noticing that Reaper's aura had suddenly grown cold and dark. Shadows burst from beneath him, webbing out like a living creature, swallowing him in darkness. Papyrus was left alone with concern clinging to his SOUL.


Reaper was infuriated. He was angry, brimming with hatred and disgust, the emotions flowing off of him in waves. The stentch of decay and rot hung in the air, tinged with an odd ringing noise that one might hear after receiving a blow to the head. How disgusted Reaper was. How furious and appalled.

His brother reminded him of his job.

His job reminded him of the dying SOULS he'd have to reap.

The dying SOULS reminded him of his worst mistake.

And his mistake only filled him with a raging storm of black that was directed towards himself.

He was disgusted in himself, disappointed, infuriated. How could he have done this? How could he have left his precious Geno alone for so long?

How could he have forgotten him?

He saw his tears, he saw his hands tremble, he heard his gasping breaths and desperate cries. But he couldn't feel it. He'd gone numb with self hatred.

One thought, just one word echoed in his mind, and it filled that gaping void in his chest with a sharp longing. Geno. God, Geno, Geno, Geno.

It was as if he was experiencing withdrawals. All at once, it hit him. Reaper needed him, he needed the smaller's warm presence in his arms, he needed to hear the other's stern voice, he needed Geno.

His magic roared in his skull, his SOUL pounded with the intense need. Blindly, he ripped open a portal and scrambled inside, his lit eye darting around. Where was he? Where was Geno?

He didn't feel his wings ripping out of his back, he didn't feel the wind rushing around and through his skull as he careened through the darkness of the SaveScreen towards that beacon of light. His SOUL soared, threatening to burst from his chest, at the sight of a small form curled in the center of that light. White jacket, red scarf, white glitches, red blood. Red and white, and Geno.

He failed to land like he'd learned, his legs trembling and bending horribly as he sprinted towards that bundle of everything he'd ever wanted. Like a chant, that one word repeated in his mind. Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno-


Just like that, his beloved, oh how Reaper adored him, shot up with a slurred cry. Just like that, Reaper's legs grew too weak to keep him up, and he was sent crashing to the floor. His kneecaps hit the floor with a painful clack, and he caught himself before he could faceplate. He whimpered out Geno's name, tears streaming down his cheeks, voice choked. Behind him, his wings were folded, twitching and shuddering with every shaking sob Reaper let out. "Please, please, Geno, please-!"

White slippers sprinkled in contrasting red blood stepped into his sight, and he was dragged into an embrace so familiar. With a heartwrenching cry, he latched onto his Geno and hid in that dazzling red scarf that soaked up his tears. His wings folded around them, hiding them from sight, encasing them in a firm embrace.

"You.. you came back.." A fresh wave of pain drowned Reaper at the quivering voice that he'd left behind so uncaringly.  Desperately, frantically, he began sputtering through his sobs. "I'm so fucking sorry, Gen, I'm so god damn sorry, I-" He choked on his words, his chest heaving with emotion. Geno pulled back slightly, his brilliant eyelight that Reaper had forgotten searching his face worriedly. Tears welled at the corners of his sockets, and he gave a fragile smile. "You're back now, aren't you?" Reaper nodded erratically, "Yes, I am, I swear I'll never leave you again, I swear-"

His flow of words cut off at Geno's gentle hushing, and he was pulled in for a soft kiss. Sparks exploded in his  mind, his SOUL beginning to squeezed painfully tight with overflowing love and hope. Reaper's hands clawed at Geno's back, trying to bring him even closer, but he couldn't.

He gasped loudly for air once they split, breathing heavily with quiet hiccups and fresh tears. Geno brought him into another hug, murmuring soft words of reassurance and comfort as Reaper slowly dissolved into a mess of tears and apologies.

He was home, and he was never going to abandon it again. He was never going to abandon Geno again.


How to write a scene where you can describe the feeling of 'forgetting/losing someone you love dearly and hating yourself for it' accurately: 

E X P E R I E N C E   T H E   P A I N   Y O U R S E L F

And on that note, this part is finished! I hope you enjoyed, because I will not be rewriting this for sure. Maybe.
Haha, I swear my writing is better when I'm not motivated than when I am.
I need coffee.

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