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sjhajvaasjca epic bath fail lmao


It was ridiculous how quickly things could change. One minute, Cross is peacefully bathing, submerged in the water and savoring the way it gave sound a muffled edge. He'd even summoned a body so he could properly enjoy the temperature and the cushion-y feeling of warm water enveloping his entire body.

And then, suddenly, he's in Horror's arms, water pouring at his skull, naked as all hell, and the bigger monster is sprinting down the hall. "HORROR WHAT THE HELL!?!" This was single-handedly the most embarrassing moment Cross had even been in. As soon as he caught sight of Nightmare's study door, Cross's soul dropped into his stomach, and he realized he was still summoned. Oh, stars.

Horror shoved the door open, Cross's already burning face heating up another hundred degrees. Killer and Dust just had to be here at this exact moment. Nightmare jerked in place as the door opened, blinking at the sight before him. A hint of cyan lit up his cheeks, his tendrils lashing in shock at the sight of Cross. "Horror, what-"

Horror jostled Cross around, holding him out and making him shiver with the cold. "He.. tried ta drown 'mself!!" Cross wanted to disappear, crossing his arms over his chest to cover himself. He was too frazzled to get ahold of his magic to unsummon. "You lookin' a little lost there, Crossy." Cross gaped at Killer, curling in on himself further. The idiot was eyeing Cross like he was food, his face dusted in red. Dust wasn't any better, a grin pulling at his mouth and his cheeks a bright purple.

Desperate, Cross turned to Nightmare, who was respectfully averting his gaze. "Boss, help me-" The dark king warped over, shedding his jacket and taking Cross from Horror. Cross quickly pulled it on, sighing in relief. "Horror, would you please explain what's going on?" Nightmare shoved Dust off the couch, setting Cross on it as he waited for Horror to answer.

"..I.. knocked 'n he.. din' answer. So, I.. checked on 'em. 'nd he was tryin'.. ta drown 'mself!" Cross stared at Horror, his mouth hanging open. Nightmare glanced at him, his eye narrowed. Cross screeched with humiliation and anger. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"Did you try to drown yourself?" Cross whipped his head around to glare at Killer, "No, you fucking moron! I was just taking a bath!" Horror piped in accusingly, "Th'n why were ya.. under th' water?" Everyone turned back to Cross, who was close to just stabbing everyone. "Because that's what you do when you take a bath!"

"I wanna know why you were summoned." Cross's face lit up again at Dust's comment. He tugged at the sleeves of Nightmare's jacket, mumbling, "That's none of your business..." Killer cackled, "Ohoho, was our little oreo doing something naughty?" Cross covered his face. Stars, please let him evaporate now. He took a deep breath, "I was not drowning myself, and I wasn't doing anything. I just, uh."

He wrung the jacket sleeves, his face growing warmer and warmer. "...The water feels nice." Horror gave a suspicious noise, "So ya just... dunk yerself.... for fun??" Cross gave a miserable nod. Horror let out a sigh, "Dassa relief.."

Killer gave a quiet snort, the only warning before he was doubling over, howling with laughter. "THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY, HOLY FUCK-!"


poor cross he just wanted to have a nice bath

horror forgot that skeletons can't drown because he was so worried

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