CrissCross - Part 2

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I wanna try to finish this uwu

and if i can't, then at least i added some stuff to it


Dust was the one who managed to calm the kid, entertaining them with blobs of magic and whatnot. Currently, the kid was shrieking in joy from atop a blaster, blowing out Nightmare's hearing with the volume. Cross squinted at the child every now and then, his teeth twitching. Like Nightmare, he felt there was something off about the child, but he couldn't tell what. "Maybe we should call Dream?" Nightmare shook his head, "No, I already thought of that, and it's not a good idea. I haven't properly contacted him in centuries, and I doubt he'd respond well to this."

Killer sighed, "It was worth a try." Dust flicked his wrist, his eyelids drooping. He wasn't used to using so much magic so soon after waking up and it was draining his energy. Nightmare clicked his tongue, turning to Killer. "Could you take over? Dust's wearing himself out." Killer grunted, "Sure thing, boss." Dust let out a heavy breath of relief, slumping against Horror as he let go of his magic. The blaster slowed, lowering to the ground before vanishing with a pop. The kid shrieked again as Killer's own blaster poofed into existence beneath them, and the squealing started again.

"I've already figured out that they don't speak the common tongue, which is going to be a problem." Cross's eyes narrowed, rumbling. "Maybe Error can help." Nightmare paused, facepalming with a sigh. "Why didn't I think of that," he grumbled. He dug out a ball of string from his inventory, biting off the end of the glowing, blue thread. A few moments later, a glitchy portal opened, Error glaring out at them. "What."

Nightmare grinned, "I need a favor." Error scowled, Nightmare quickly holding his hands out as if to ward off the expression. "Now, let me explain."


Killer's magic finally died out, Cross quickly taking over. Error sat cross-legged on the floor, his expression sour. "You kidnapped a kid that don't speak english? That's fucking stupid."

"No, I didn't kidnap- Look, I just need to know if you can help." Error sat back, reclining on his arms, humming. "Yeah, I can help, but I dunno if I want to." Nightmare clasped his hands together pleadingly, "Please Error?" He gave his best pout, trying out for that 'puppy dog' he heard about. Error glitched, his grin faltering as a faint blue lit up his cheeks. "F-F-Fine, just s-s-s-stop making-king that face." Nightmare grinned, triumphant, as Error groaned and stood up, his glitches dying down some.

"This bet-t-t-tter be worth it." Error waved a hand before him, a window opening to show strings of code. Nightmare stood up as well, turning away to let Error do his thing and to check on his mates. "Are you two feeling alright?" Killer winked, throwing up finger guns, "Never better, boss." Dust gave a thumbs up, "Same here." Nightmare sighed, "Good." He settled on the floor beside them, watching Error work. Hopefully, things would get easier from here.


"Nightmare, come here." Nightmare glanced up, blinking. Error was waving him over, his expression perplexed. "You should see this." Nightmare hopped up quickly, hurrying over. "What's wrong?" Error motioned to his screen, pointing out a few red strings of binary code. Nightmare's brow furrowed. "I don't understand?" Error tapped the screen a few times, cursing under his breath. The screen glitched, before new lines, somewhat readable, began to write itself on the screen.

Nightmare watched, fascninated, as some lines erased and rewrote themselves, some highlighted numbers and letters flashing brightly. Error traced over one particular section, highlighting the entire thing.

<CHR=imput> "name"= [CROSS]
<multi.v/au> "X_Variant - E5S7"
>>>> [?] = [!ERROR!]
[CHR INFO]> [XXXXX - 455794]
>LANG_Imput> |ENG|
>>[ACT]> "portal" - [C.D.=DHMS]

Error tapped at the last lines, which kept being written over and over, one letter off each time. Nightmare squinted at it, not sure what he was looking for. "What's it mean?" Error zoomed in on the repeating numbers, "You see the dhms thing? It stands for day, hour, minute, and second. It's counting down, and from what I managed to glean from it, it's how long we have before he's sent back to his own world."

Nightmare scanned the code again, tipping his head. "...It says Xtale variant." Error nodded, "I saw. This is one of Cross's alternates. His code doesn't say what multiverse or au he's from, only that he's in the wrong place. Fortunately-" Error dispelled the screen, crossing his arms and nodding at the child, "-it won't be long before he goes home." Nightmare let out a relieved sound, "Oh thank the stars."


"So, Kiddo, you got any parents?" X, a name Killer had proposed, nodded, cheerfully answering. "Yeah! Got momma Error and daddy Mare!" Killer choked on a laugh, "Daddy Mare-!"

Cross only rumbled quietly. He couldn't imagine Nightmare as anything other than one of his mates. And Error wasn't parent material. Still, X continued to happily provide details. "Momma makes tasty sandwiches, but he gets mad when I eat too much. But I'm strong! I can eat everything! Chara says so!"

Killer stifled his laughter. Cross tilted his head, curious. "Chara?" X glanced at him. The child was still perplexed to see this adult version of himself. Nightmare spoke up, "Could you tell me what Chara is like?" X blinked and then beamed. "Yeah!" And he stood up and ran out of the room, yelling at the top of his nonexistent lungs, "CHARA!!" The gang was taken aback, though Cross wore a somewhat grim expression.

"CHARAAA!! CAN YOU HEAR ME- Oh! There you are!" Nightmare sat up quickly, "There's someone else? How have I not sensed them??" Killer shrugged, "Not sure, boss." Little footsteps came funning back, X hopping into the room and proudly holding up a ragged doll.

Nightmare stared at it, and couldn't shake the feeling that he was being stared back at. Killer snorted and burst into laughter. "Looks like Chara's just a- snrk!- a doll!" X pouted, hugging the doll to his chest. "No! He's not a doll!" Nightmare continued to stare at the doll. There was something wrong with it. He could sense it, and he knew it, but he couldn't tell what it was. The crudely sown buttons glinted in the light. Nightmare could've sworn that the stitched smile widened.

Dust took the doll from X, dangling it with two fingers, looking it over, ignoring X's cries. "It's just a doll, man." X was getting increasingly distressed, jumping up as high as he could to get back his precious friend. "No! Don't call him that! It makes him angry!" Dust jostled the doll around, cringing. "Yeesh, this thing's creepy." Cross shifted, his eyes locked on the doll. "Stop messing with it." Nightmare glanced at him. "Cross?"

The behemoth shook his head, reaching over to pluck the doll from Dust's grip. With careful hands, he fixed its hair and clothes, passing it back to X. "Kid's right. The doll gets mad." And if that wasn't the most ominous thing Nightmare had heard all day. X stared up at Cross with wide eyes, cradling his doll. "You believe me?" Cross nodded stiffly, settling at Nightmare's side again.

X grinned, excited as he told the doll, "See? Big me knows!" His smile wilted after a moment and he turned to look up at Cross again, his expression somber. "Do you really have a Chara too?" Cross dipped his head. He slipped away from Nightmare, kneeling so that he wasn't towering over X. He tapped his skull, "Same as you." X's eyelights lit up, an excited shout escaping him. He tackled Cross in a hug, though Cross didn't move much.

"Friend!" Cross rumbled quietly, awkward as he hugged back. "Mmh." He blatantly ignored Chara's shouting. X twitched minutely, sparing a glance at his own Chara. "Is yours yelling too," the little boy asked, to which Cross nodded.

X stared at his doll, which was currently yelling at X. HEY HEY STOP HUGGING THAT THING IT'S GONNA HURT YOU. Cross sighed. Chara flapped his arms, furious. STOP INSULTING CROSS! X watched his Chara snap at the other, frowning. TELL IT TO LET MY KID GO



Cross snorted as the Chara's started to fistfight. Nightmare watched them, amused. "What are you two doing?" Cross tipped his head, "Charas' are fighting." Killer made an awkward sound, "Please don't tell me the kid actually has a possessed doll." Cross chuckled quietly. "Ok then. I won't tell you."


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