taking your time and making it mine

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COP AU!!! COP AU!!!!! COP AU!!!!!

i've been watching a lot of true crime and interrogation things and learning shit about cops and weheehhehehhehe i just had to put that knowledge to use,,,,,

hope you guys enjoy!!!

TW: Cops and talk of discrimination


The handcuffs were stupidly tight. Killer tried to pull his hands out of them already, but they bit mercilessly into his hands and made him hiss in pain. He still gave it another try, but all it did was leave him with lightly bleeding wrists.

He wriggled unhappily in his seat, slumping down with a huff and rolling his head back to stare sourly at the roof. He found himself once again tracing the lining of the ceiling, trying to pick out where the camera was, but nothing stood out. He thought he'd found it, but staring at the little hole too long made him second guess. Even more so when he spotted another hole.

Killer's dirty sneakers scuffed against the floor. He twisted the toe a few times, muttering some random jingle from that annoying commercial on gum. He hated gum advertisements. They were always for humans. Everything on TV was about humans, for humans; unless it was about monsters committing heinous crimes. Even then, though, it was still for humans.

Stupid fear-mongering channels. Killer would give his other arm on the bet that half of those reports and events were either fabricated or twisted to hell and back by some shitty humans. Like, he knew it was jarring to have their precious human-filled cities and towns invaded by another race after hundreds of years of not even knowing about said race, but really, was it that hard to get used to it?

He slid further down in his seat, already knowing the answer. He'd had access to human culture and internet long enough to know that this kind of discrimination wasn't unique to his kind. Hell, he'd encountered it before within monsterkind. Skeleton Monsters were rare. So rare that other monsters were prone to outright ignoring and isolating them.

His gloves creaked, his fists tight at the memories of his brother's loneliness. He could kill every single monster in his mountain again, but not even that would make up for the ridiculous way they treated Papyrus. Killer's knee bounced, his dark eyelights once again raking along the wall in search of the hidden camera that he knew existed.

The cops on TV news always seemed so proud of themselves, so damn smug, for catching what they were certain was the culprit to whatever bullshit crime. Conveniently, there were no monsters on police forces that could access Old Magic to pull up a Check Screen and check just how truthful the accusations were. Despite how mind-blowingly useful Check Screens would be in the whole criminal business, for some damn reason, most humans were hell-bent on keeping monsters out of their law enforcement.

The humans seemed to really like their fucked up judicial system, and rather than skipping out on all the drama and having a monster do a simple check and nail the criminal or accused or whatever in one go, they wanted to run every involved party into the ground. The whole damn branch was fucked. The fucking tree itself was fucked. Cut the damn thing down, he says. Just fuckin restart it. The humans may want to genocide his whole kind, but he was certain that they agreed that the system was overdue for a reset.

Killer had a nagging feeling that it wouldn't happen any time soon.

Three hard knocks rapped at the door. He was already on his feet by the second knock, staring hard at the door as it opened.

He was expecting a human. A human male with one of those stupid smug looks and eyes that glittered with malice, just like all those he saw on tv. He was floored at the sight of not only a monster, but a skeleton monster. His soul flickered with his shock, his mouth agape as the other leveled him with a carefully neutral stare.

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