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Killer kept glancing at Cross's unconscious body, biting his thumb and pacing back and forth in worry. Nightmare lay in a nearby bed, also unconscious, with Dream at his side. The brighter twin had an icepack on his hip, but the darker twin? His skull had been wrapped tightly, as well as his spine and his left arm. 'Just a bit harder, and his spine would be in pieces, and this bone here? Completely snapped in half,' was what the doctor told Dream. 'He has a concussion, but it's not as severe as it looks. With a good healer, he'll be back in shape in a few hours.' Dream had thanked him and promptly sat down and cried.

Killer repeatedly wiped his own tears, gritting his teeth against the burning droplets. Cross would be fine, he always is. He'll heal and get right back up like it never happened. Killer could only hope. He bit at his thumb again, wincing as he bit a little too hard. Cross had come out much worse than Nightmare, but that was only because he had a half soul. But that didn't mean the damage wasn't bad. 'Eight cracked ribs, one fully broken, and his upper back- em, spine, is broken in three places. His left eye may be blind for a bit, due to a sharp stone we found in his skull, but this shouldn't last more than a month.' Any relief Killer felt completely vanished as the doctor continued. 'Well, normally, it wouldn't. We can heal his bones, but his eye could take much longer since his soul is much weaker than a normal monster's. It's too risky to heal the magic directly, so this will have to heal on its own. But, five or so months from now, his vision should be back to normal.'

Five?! Why five?! Killer's pacing grew faster, his ankle throbbing. He didn't get out unscathed, no, but he wished he'd been the one to get hurt badly, instead of Cross. He took another look at said monster, hating how small he looked. "Killer." He hissed, turning to glare at Dream, "What?! What could you possibly want?!" He nearly bit his own tongue after, sighing harshly at the beaten puppy expression Dream wore. "Sorry." Dream shook his head, smiling tensely. "It's alright. We're both on edge, I guess." Killer's shoulders slumped, "Yeah..I guess."

Dream's smile twisted into a worried frown, his eyes on Cross now. "..Killer, can I ask you something?" The teen shrugged, moving to sit beside Cross. "Yeah, sure." Dream's hand kneaded the blanket on Nightmare's bed, his jaw clenching. "Who...Who was that man? The one who attacked us? I know he said he was Cross's boyfriend, but I don't think that's true." Killer absently tugged Cross's blanket up, covering the sleeping adult's bandaged chest. He shut his eyes with a deep breath, turning to meet Dream's gaze. "He was only half lying. Yeah, they were dating, but that was a few years ago. It-" Killer looked back at Cross, frowning deeply, "It was nice, for a little bit."

Killer remembered the beginning of their relationship. It was all sweet and lovely, as it should've been. It was only after the first month that things went downhill. "Pops was happy- the happiest I'd seen him in ages. Hate was nice to him, he treated him like a prince." Dream shifted, already having an idea as to what was coming. "Like most things, it didn't last. Pops came home with bruises. They weren't bad. Just a little purple spot here and there. He told us it was an accident, and we believed him because it wasn't so bad." Killer grew quiet. "He believed it himself. He really believed that it was an accident. It didn't happen again for a little while. From that point on, though, it wasn't like that again. Pops would come home crying or hurt, there was always some kind of bandaid on him, and it was always just 'an accident'. And I- we believed him. We all believed him."

Dream jolted as Killer's voice broke. He looked up quickly, startled to find the teenager glaring down at his hands. He looked angry. "I should've known. I never questioned him, didn't stop to think about it. I could've done something, and I did nothing," Killer spat. Tears welled in his sockets, mingling with the black liquid. A moment of heavy silence fell. Dream stared at the floor, his mouth dry as he absorbed what was being said. Killer continued after a few seconds. "Horror was the one to tell us what was happening. Pops wasn't there. He was off doing who knew what with that bastard. When Pops came back, we cornered him." Dream's shoulders slumped, his sockets burning with the urge to cry.

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