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Nightmare held his head in his hands, staring absently at Cross and Killer. The guard had that infernal fox in his arms, spouting boastfully about her recent behavior. "She stopped tearing up the carpet, and doesn't go after Dust's scarf anymore!"

Killer nodded along absently, commenting every few seconds, but Cross carried the conversation mostly on his own. Nightmare didn't particularly care about what they were saying, more focused on the animal.

Nightmare liked animals. To most, that would sound ridiculous, but if Stalk's room was any indication, Nightmare had a soft spot for furry fiends. And now, having watched Cross have fun with his new pet, and knowing Dust had his own pet as well, Nightmare was a little jealous.

He wanted a small friend as well. He didn't care what kind of pet he got, he just wanted something. Cross glanced up mid-sentence and offered Nightmare a grin. "Hey, boss! Killer and I were about to talk Stalk out, d'ya wanna come too?" Nightmare scoffed, "No-"

Killer's grin twitched down slightly, and Cross started to deflate. Nightmare backtracked, sighing. "Fine, I'll go." The others perked up, twin smiles on their faces. "Okay! I'll go get Stalk's leash." Cross passed his pet off to Killer, teleporting away. Nightmare slipped off of his throne, groaning as he stretched. Killer glanced his way, grin wide. "Hey, Night. You looked a little sour just then."

Nightmare shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and strolling up to Killer. "I was very bored." Stalk's tail wagged slightly, the fox twisting in Killer's arms. Killer quickly adjusted his grip, holding her out to Nightmare. Stalk licked at the air, attempting to give Nightmare kisses, but he recoiled, backing up as saliva flew off in strings and beads. "Aw, c'mon boss, she just wants to show you love."

Nightmare grimaced, "Absolutely not, take her away." Killer mock pouted, holding Stalk back to his chest and gladly accepting her sloppy smooches. He chuckled under her affection, scritching behind her ears and cooing. Nightmare glanced away, glaring at the ground. He was not jealous.


The walk had gone just about as Nightmare had expected. Cross and Killer made banter, Stalk ran around, sniffing everything in her path, and Nightmare simply followed.

Except, right now, Nightmare was seeing something. And he wanted it. He saw it, and he just had to have it. He excused himself from Killer and Cross's company, and dropped into the shadows.

It was a simple matter, getting in. Nightmare eased out of the darkness, creeping up behind the majestic beast. Someone cried out in shock, there was yelling, but Nightmare grabbed onto his chosen pet and he vanished back into his own world. Cross and Killer could find their own way back.


There was something about being in Nightmare's realm that made animals, who should've been feral and dangerous, become shockingly tame. Stalk acted like a dog. And Cleopatra, Nightmare's new pet lion, acted like a cat. Nightmare hadn't even had to chain her up, he didn't even need to put her in a cage. No, this beast, this giant animal that was somewhat terrifying to stand beside, behaved like a cat.

Nightmare swiped some of Horror's stored meat, and watched in awe as Cleo tore into it. He crouched a few feet away, staring, watching, admiring the way the meat peeled away under that barbed tongue, how easily the carcass broke apart with a firm jerk. And when it was all over, Nightmare couldn't help but grin as Cleo chuffed at him and set her massive head in his lap. Oh, hell yeah.


"BOSS HOLY SHIT- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DOING HERE?!" Cross cowered behind Killer, his blank sockets wide with shock. Killer held a knife up with trembling hands, looking as if he'd take off at the slightest thing. Nightmare smirked, running his hand over Cleo's furry neck. "This is Cleopatra, my new pet." Cross fainted.



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