demon sandwich, but with a twist

369 11 12

UwU writers' block go brrr


Ah, Sunday morning. The sun is shining, flowers blooming, birds singing, lofi music playing loudly from a speaker set that was covered in glitter and bright yellow paint, and the neighbors' kid was singing along to Bill Nye the Science Guy. 

Killer sipped from his coffee mug, humming under his breath, basking in the serenity of this typical Sunday morning. In his lap sat a large cat, the ch0nky girl purring loudly as Killer ran his skeletal fingers through her fur. Her front feet were kneading the cloth beneath her and every so often, she'd get her claws caught on the fabric. Outside, Killer could hear cars driving by and the sound only served to add to his peaceful mood. Spending his entire life in the suburbs had forced him to get used to the sound. It was never quiet, and Killer liked this. He enjoyed the background noise. Missy meowed up at him, blinking curiously, and Killer realized that he'd stopped petting her. "My bad."

The absolute unit in his lap relaxed once more under his hand, her purrs so loud that he could feel them through his sweatpants. Killer shut his sockets and yawned, tempted to answer the call of his bed. He shook the sleep from his head, sighing heavily as hunger started to make itself known. With a heavy soul, Killer painfully nudged Missy off his lap and apologized profusely at her sad mew. He was definitely giving her a treat for that, or else he'd lose sleep over the guilt. Missy trailed after him, her tail swaying behind her. As Killer started setting out ingredients, Missy lept onto the table and proceeded to loaf, her big brown eyes watching him.

True to his silent promise, Killer offered her a treat(or two..or three), and gently scratched her ears. After pressing a small kiss on the feline's snout, Killer resumed his previous actions, taking four pieces of bread and opening the jar of peanut butter. He took a large blob, easily spreading it over two pieces of bread, mentally thanking the gods that the bread didn't tear. Killer set the slices aside and took the jelly. While he squeezed the bottle, he licked the knife free of peanut butter, paying no mind to how he was pouring(???) the jelly.

He dropped the knife in the sink, turning back to his sandwiches to find that the jelly was glowing. Appearently, he'd made a symbol. Killer started at it for a few seconds, before shrugging and slapping the bread together. He groaned joyfully as he took his first bite, quickly taking another and chewing happily. He was so content with life that when a bright red flash blinded him and sent Missy screeching out of the room, Killer merely blinked a few times and took another bite. Yes, he was surprised, but nothing was going to ruin this perfect Sunday morning. Not even the demon he accidentally summoned.

The demon, who was surprisingly small, stared at him expectantly. He raised a hand in greeting, calmly eating while he studied them. Horns curled up from the demon's skull. That's the only thing that made them look like a demon. Everything else was just...cute. Killer chuckled to himself at the thought, and the demon gaped at him, revealing the tiniest set of fangs. A long and thin red tail wrapped around their left arm and self consciousness showed in their face. The demon hid themself behind a large set of yellow wings, which Killer had mistook as a scarf, and they seemed to shrink. "uh...can you at least pretend to be scared?" They must be male, he decided, and he shrugged. "Sorry, mate. I'm having a good day." The demon, who wasn't at all what Killer thought he'd be like, whined quietly. Not sure how to respond, he cleared his throat and finished his sandwich. This reminded him of the second sandwich he'd made.

He offered the demon a smile, moving the uneaten sandwich onto a styrofoam plate. "Want a sandwich?" The demon stared at him, wide eyed, and Killer blinked back. He set the plate where Missy had been sitting previously, and sat down at the table. Awkwardly, the demon sat as well, and took the sandwich. "So, what's your name?" Once again, Killer was surprised at how pleasant this demon was. The small creature smiled at him meekly and spoke in a soft yet firm voice. "Dream. And you are Killer, yes?" Killer nodded, internally laughing at the irony. A demon named Dream. He shook his head in amusement, and gave the demon a grin, "So,since I summoned you, there's gotta be consequences right? Mind sharing what those consequences are?" Dream choked mid-bite, coughing raggedly in his surprise. "You alright there?"

It took a bit for him to calm, and when he did, he looked at Killer with a confused and unsure expression. "How are you so calm? You literally summoned a demon! I'm a demon! From Hell, y'know?!" Killer snorted, leaning forward and bracing his forearms on the table. "I'm fully aware that I am in the presence of a demon, and I was aware of this when I offered you a sandwich. By the way, would you like another?" Dream looked as if he was struggling to breathe, his mouth opening and closing. Finally, he smiled, and disappeared in a red flash.

A bit sad that his new demon friend was gone, Killer pouted and got up. He took the plate from the table, dropping it in the garbage bin, and pushed the chairs underneath the table. He whistled softly, calling Missy back to him, and waited for her to claw at his legs before picking her up. He hummed as he soothed the poor cats spiked fur, taking a seat on the sofa and melting into the fluffy pillows. Missy fell asleep on his lap after an hour, and since Killer was not a monster, he did not move her. In fact, he joined the sleeping cat, falling asleep not long after she did.


"Hello?" Killer woke with a snort, sitting up in confusion. He looked around blearily, eyes half open as he scanned the room. "I could've sworn I lived alone.." A giggle came from above him, and he slowly looked up to find a very familiar demon hovering over him. "Oh. It's you." Dream waved and fluttered down to sit on the couch. "So, uh, it's really weird for a mortal to offer demons a sandwich after accidentally summoning one, and no one believed me. I um. I invited a few friends to come to your house to prove that it happened." Killer sleepily laughed, yawning widely and relaxing back on the couch. Missy was still sleeping on him, surprisingly. "Where are they?" Dream blushed quietly and pointed at the space before them. "Right there." Right on cue, four more demons popped into existence in front of them, and all four of them were staring at Killer in absolute shock. One of them, a demon without horns, gawked at him before exclaiming, "Dream, I thought you were kidding!" Killer waved at them lazily, giving them a lopsided grin. "I'd offer to make sandwiches again, but it's illegal to stand while there's an animal sleeping on you."

All five demons looked at Missy, one of them giggling hysterically. They were dressed in black and and white, and had thick horns poking up stiffly from their hood. Killer glanced at the group, taking in their appearances. All of them seemed to be male. The black and white one continued to giggle at Killer, elbowing one of his friends. "Dude, the mortal world is so weird!" His friend, a demon wearing a hoodie and shorts with black horns curling around his face, elbowed him back and hissed, "Cross, shut up." The other demon, who was apparently named Cross, only mocked him and scowled. "Screw you too, Dust."

Killer watched the group in amusement, unconsciously petting Missy to keep her from waking. One of the demons, who wore a red sweater and shorts with only one horn sticking up from his skull, was staring at Missy hungrily. Killer was slightly intimidated by the large crack in his skull, but he was too dazed to care. Dust spotted the other demon's stare and growled at him. "Horror, the cat is not food."

Dream was frowning at his friends, disappointed at their behavior. He glared at Horror, forcing the demon to back down, and cleared his throat. "Killer, this is Dust, Horror, Cross, and Blue." Killer waved again, and the four waved back.

"You never answered my question."
"What question?"
"About the consequences of summoning a demon."
"Oh. Right. We are supposed to drag you to hell, but you gave me a sandwich and now I don't want to."
"You're welcome."

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