Treehouse - School

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it was my birthday yesterday, so as a gift for myself, i decided that i should finish and post something :]

so, an update!!! i hope you guys like it!!

also, another thing, there is Spanish here that i didn't translate in the story, but i left comments for translations! you'll know where it is when you see it :]


Horror squirmed uncomfortably beside Cross, partially hidden behind his brother to escape their father's angry stare. "I expect you to behave, do you understand? There is no room for mistakes, not if you want to get the education you require. That goes for you too, Horror. That deformity of yours is no excuse to get anything less than an acceptable academic performance."

His head spun with all the words being spat at him, nearly every single one flying right out of his head. Still, even though he didn't know what Father was saying, Horror nodded his agreement, twisting the excess of his backpack straps around his little fingers. Cross nodded, "Yes, sir! I promise! I'll get super good academics!" At least he seemed to know what Father wanted.

A loud squeaky noise came from outside, and Cross straightened, taking Horror's hand. He blinked in response, holding back with a confused noise, listening to Cross bid their father goodbye. Then, they were going outside and the door was closed behind them hard. A big yellow thing, loud and buzzy, sat humming at the top of the road.

Cross pulled him towards it, grinning and talking loud over the noise. "School's not that bad, trust me! You'll make lotsa friends and take naps, it's so cool!" The closer they got to the big yellow, the more Horror's head hurt. The noise felt fuzzy in his head and made his eyes water.

Two long thingies opened and suddenly there was an old person looking at them sourly. Horror gripped his backpack strap a little more tightly, anxious, but Cross smiled wider and cheerfully greeted the woman. "Hi, miss Penny! I missed you!" The woman jerked her head, "Get in already." But, even though she sounded angry, she didn't look so grumpy anymore. Maybe it was because Cross was here now, and Cross makes everything better.

Horror followed, albeit reluctantly, as Cross led him into the big thing. The long windows closed behind them with another squeak, and Miss Penny jabbed her thumb over her shoulder. "Yer friends' are-" She paused, eyes narrowing at Horror, and he shrank behind Cross, who perked up, "Oh, Miss Penny, this is my little brother, Horror! He's in kindergarden, we just got him a few weeks ago!"

"Oh? Well ain't that nifty?" Cross nodded, opening his mouth to say something else, but Miss Penny frowned at him and cut him off, "He'll have to sit in the front, you know. I can't make any more exceptions." She winced at the look Cross gave her, "Sorry, kid, but I can't. With that headwound, he's gotta be somewhere I can keep an eye on him."

"B-but, me 'n Killer can do that! I'm his big brother, I can-"

"Cross??" Nightmare was suddenly there, looking just as grumpy as the lady. "Why aren't you sitting down yet." Miss Penny looked at Nightmare, then Cross, and pursed her lips.


Killer snorted at Nightmare's disgruntled look, "It's not the end of the world." Horror was twisted in his seat to watch them with big eyes, his backpack cinched tight on his shoulders. Nightmare glanced at him, frowning, and back to Killer, "Shut up, moron. Talk to your boyfriend and leave me alone."

Cross blinked from behind Killer, leaned forward slightly to look around him, "Night, that doesn't make sense."

Killer and Cross were sitting together, as they always have. Across the aisle, Nightmare sat in a seat by himself, and behind him was Dream and some older kid with bright eyes that changed a lot. Behind Cross and Killer sat another quiet kid, a skeleton with dark bones and funny lines on his face. The last two seats were filled with four more unnamed monsters, all of which were chattering about nonsense. Those were the high schoolers, middle schoolers, that went to the other school across town.

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