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Killer was in absolute shock. The school jerk and creep, Cross Peñaloza, stood before him with a smirk. Aimed straight for him, Cross held a black pistol, the sleek barrel splattered with dust and blood. Freak's dust was scattered around Killer. He'd died seconds after Cross shot him. Shock gave way for confusion.

"Cross??" Cross hummed, tapping his chin playfully and sneering as he cocked the pistol. "Why so shocked? I'm just having some fun." Killer leaned back, sweat beading his forehead as Cross waved the gun around. "This place was so boring. Everyone was so boring. There's literally no point for this school to even exist." In the distance, Killer heard gunshots and screaming, the sounds growing sparse as time went on. "I called up a few buddies, and planned a party, you know, to spice things up." A few feet behind Cross, a human stood. Sunshades shielded their eyes from view. The rag tied around their face shifted with their jaw as they chewed gum. Killer had watched them pop a strip of chewing gum into their mouth ten minutes before, when they'd gunned down the teacher.

The gun was pointed at him again, "You and that idiot friend of yours were so annoying." Killer shifted, cringing as Cross stepped through Freak's dust. It crunched like gravel beneath the boy's shoes, the noise sending shivers down his spine. Cross jabbed the gun forward, poking Killer's cheek and swiping it through the black liquid trickling down his cheeks. "Ugh, I can't tell you how long I've waited to use this baby on him. On you." Killer shuddered, swallowing dryly. Something was building in his soul, and he was almost afraid to let it stay.

The words left him before he knew it. "I have a proposition." Cross pulled the gun back, seeming intrigued. Killer stayed on the floor, not wanting to get shot despite what he was about to say. "You let me live, and I won't tell anyone who did this." Cross snorted, "Pfft- that's all? I can make sure of that myself, you know." He tapped the mask that hung around his neck, winking with a snicker. "I have this for more than just for show." Behind him, the human shifted and said, "Cops'll be here in twenty." Cross grunted, grabbing the mask he'd been flaunting and yanking it up to completely hide his face. Killer blinked as the gun was suddenly in his face again. "No deal." Cross started to pull the trigger, only for Killer to try again. "Alright, no deal. What about this then, I know how to make bombs from scratch." Cross paused. The human hissed as he lowered the gun. "Cross."

"Shut up, Chara." The human growled, "Five minutes, and I'm ditching your ass." Cross waved his hand, "Five minutes." He slipped his pistol into its holster, his voice gruff through the voicechanger as he repeated to Killer, "Five minutes." The humon scoffed, but said nothing more. Killer slowly rose to his feet, hands held in front of him as he started bargaining for his life. "I can make bombs in under ten minutes. I can make timed bombs, activated bombs, anything you want." He could see the gears turning in Cross's skull. Killer pushed on, "I know how to hotwire cars and pick locks, and I'm good with knives. I know people-"

"Times up, Cross. Take him or kill him, just hurry the fuck up." The human leaned out the door and shouted something. Killer stared at Cross, waiting. The other hummed, tapping his mask. Two seconds, then- "Deal." Killer's response was cut off as the human snapped their fingers at them. "C'mon you idiots!" Cross snatched Killer's hand and chased after the human as they ran out the door.

He stumbled when he stepped out into the courtyard, his breath leaving him all at once at the sight of human bodies littering the ground. Cross hissed at him and dragged him along, cursing as the sound of sirens started growing in the distance. Killer was shoved into a car, the boy yelping as his face hit a seatbelt buckled. Cross ducked into the vehicle behind him, slamming the door shut just as it took off. Killer managed to finally sit correctly, glancing out the window nervously. Police cars sped past, sirens wailing, not once stopping as the criminals drive by. Killer was startled at the thought. A criminal. He was a criminal now.

Cross peeled off his bloody clothing, yanking on another set of clothes. He dumped his guns in Killer's lap, grunting as he tried and failed to free his arm from his shirt sleeve. Killer awkwardly reached out, tugging the cloth so Cross could take his arm out. The shirt was sticky in some places, and stiff in others, an effect from the blood that had both dried and not yet dried. Killer looked down at his own outfit, wincing at his pants legs. Starting below his knees, crimson spots decorated the fabric. The very bottom of the clothing was heavy with the fluid, already starting to darken as it dried.

"Here." Killer got a faceful of jeans. He blinked rapidly, confused as the thick item plopped into his empty lap. Cross's guns were gone, and he'd completely changed clothes. He'd thrown a pair of shorts at Killer. "Put 'em on. We'll send for more clothes later." Killer shrugged and unbuckled his pants. Cross averted his gaze, even though Killer didn't really care.

He turned back when the rustling went quiet. Killer held out the pants, not sure what he was supposed to do with them. Cross pointed at a sack on the ground. "Chara's gonna toss it in the lake chest." Killer nodded, already stuffing the bloodied clothing into the bag.

He slumped back against the car seat, closing his eyes. The adrenaline that he didn't even know he had was starting to fade, leaving him sleepy and out of it. He could feel Cross's stare on him, but didn't bother to care. After a good ten minutes, Killer was asleep.


Cross doesn't really need Killer lmao, he just thinks it's cool that Killer knows how to make bombs, and he wants a friend that isn't Chara.

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