Day 6&7(RMS)

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(Kinda old but not)

Hi! I just finished working on these, and I've already started on day 8. There are only three more days that I have written out, so wish me luck! I don't know how I'm going to end the story, oof. Ah, I'm sure I'll figure it out. Enjoy!


"Insomnia again?" Cross jolted, his eyes snapping to meet Nightmare's. "Oh, hey. Yeah. Why are you up so early, though?" Nightmare yawned halfway through his response, rubbing his eye tiredly. "Early class in thirty minutes." Cross mouthed an 'oh' and slid off the couch. "Well then, we should hurry. Let me grab my jacket and we can go." Nightmare grunted, stepping aside to let Cross rush up the stairs. Not too long after, the smaller came stumbling down the stairs while trying to pull his hoodie on at the same time, inevitably toppling forward. Before he could even hit the ground, Nightmare stuck a tentacle beneath him and caught him. He set Cross down, nodding absently when he mumbled his thanks as he walked past, having finally tugged on his hoodie. Some five minutes later, Cross had parked the car at the same café from the day before. "Pumpkin spice?" Lifting his arm from where he had slung it over his eye, Nightmare's hazy eyelight focused on Cross.

"..yeah." Nightmare covered his eye again and dozed off, ignoring Cross, who'd rolled his eyes and got out. He started up the path, kicking at random rocks. He straightened as he neared the entrance, perking up when he spotted a sign in the window. Help wanted. Maddox was chatting to a fellow worker, complaining about the workload, when he spotted a familiar face. He grinned and waved excitedly. At this rate, Cross would become a regular! The skeleton waved back just as vigorously and sped up to a jog to greet the human. "Maddox, hi." Cross addressed the other worker before turning to Maddox. "I saw the sign out front. Is there still a position open?" The other worker, another human, tilted her head, confused. "Sign?" Cross nodded, "Yeah, there's a help wanted sign in the window." Maddox glanced past Cross, spotting said sign and wincing. "Oh, right. I forgot to take that down." Cross's excitement waned, a frown settling on his face. The job was taken, it seemed. He should've expected that. "Oh...that's... that's fine. Anyways, is there anyone on duty right now?"

Maddox could tell that it was obviously not fine, but sighed and motioned for Cross to follow him. "I am. What can I do for you?" Cross pointed over his shoulder, back to where his car was, "My friend wants pumpkin spice coffee." Ah, Nightmare. Maddox promised to return quickly and rushed into the door. Cross watched him leave, frown hardening. He really should have expected the job to be taken. He shouldn't have even asked about it. "Oh, excuse me!" Startled, Cross stepped away from the door, apologizing to the customer, who he noticed was another skeleton. They smiled at him, "It's quite alright! Say, you look familiar... Are you a student from that school? The college?" Cross shifted, debating whether he should answer or not. Eh, what's the worst that could happen? "Yeah. The name's Cross. Before you ask, no, the rumors are not true." The skeleton laughed, the sound soft. They seemed to be kind. "I have heard of you. And as for the rumors, I assumed as much. I doubt the college would have let you stay there if they were true. Name's Ccino. It's nice to meet you, Cross." They were most likely a male, Cross decided, and he was most definitely a kind soul. "It's nice to meet you too, Ccino. So what brings you here today?"

"Oh, I came here with a friend of mine. I'm one of the professors." That explained how he knew of the rumors. "It's the same for me. Except, my friend is asleep, and in the car. He has an early class today." Ccino chuckled, eyes soft. "From what I've heard, no offense, I'm kinda surprised that you have a friend." Cross found himself smiling, "That makes two of us. His dorm got ruined, and he showed up, demanding to stay in my house. He's a lot nicer than I make him sound, though." Ccino laughed, "Y'know, you're actually pretty cool. I come here every day, maybe we should meet up and hang out sometime."

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