Home...???(ALT ENDING)

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After so long, Reaper had come back. Geno silently watched him break down, his eye wide in shock. Reaper smiled through his tears, whispering softly, lovingly. "Did you really think I wouldn't come back? That I'd just let you go, and be okay?" Geno blinked slowly, a burning feeling starting to rise. "You're a liar."

"Ge-..What?" He repeated himself, spitting out the words, tears stinging his eye. "You're a fucking liar! You promised!" Reaper flinched, stammering in confusion, "Gen, I don't- I don't understand. What did I do wrong? I came back, I'm here now-" Geno scoffed, shaking his head, "You think that fixes everything? You think that magically heals all the pain?" He stood, turning away from Reaper.

Reaper stood as well, stepped closer, trying to get Geno to meet his gaze. "Look at me- Geno, look at me!" He took his face in his hands, "I care about you, okay? I promise."

Geno stared up at him, tears welling up. Slowly, he reached up, grabbing Reaper's hands. The smile that started to form quickly faded when Geno shoved Reaper back, the god stumbling and falling over. Geno wiped his face furiously, choking as Reaper looked at him in shock. "What kind of fool do you take me for? I know you, I know how you are an- and I'm not falling for this. Not again. Never again. You can promise and swear, but I won't believe you. I've played this game before, I've seen what happens at the end, I know what happens if I let you lie to me like last time."

Reaper got to his feet, no longer slouched, towering over Geno. "...Last time? Last time?! There wasn't a last time!" Geno was silent a moment, his head turned away, and muttered, "For you there wasn't." Reaper stiffened. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Geno snapped his head up, fists clenched tight, spittle flying. "What do you think it means?! I've danced this dance before, we've danced this dance before, you just never think about it! You don't pay attention to how many promises and oaths you've broken over and over, not like I do. It doesn't hurt you like it hurts me." Reaper's hands darted up, as if to say calm down. "You're overthinking, you always overthink. You know that-" Geno laughed harshly, "No, I'm not 'overthinking'." He poked Reaper's chest, eye narrowed, "You're the one who's not thinking enough!" He pulled back, stalking away, head bowed. Reaper hurried after him, "Hey-! Don't-"

Geno spun around, throwing his hands out. "Shut up! Just shut up! I'm sick of this, I'm sick of you! I'm done, okay? I've let you get away with so many broken promises, but this one, this one will be the end of me. I'm not destroying myself for you anymore. It's over. We're over." Reaper jerked back, eyes growing wide. Geno grit his teeth at the heartbroken expression Reaper wore. "Geno-" He shook his head, "You can't fix this. Nothing you do can fix this. You promised you'd stay, you promised you'd moved on, but look what you've done. Look at what you've done. You did this to me. You caused this."

Reaper's arms hung limply, his body numb as he watched Geno walk away. He weakly called his name, hoping Geno would come back. A portal opened, and Reaper watched as the only person who ever loved him vanished.

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