Shitposts/Drabbles UwU

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"Hey, Horror, wanna make a youtube channel?" Killer asked from the doorway. Horror looked up, confused. "Sure..?" Killer's smile grew wide, "GReat! You start recording." 

Horror opened his phone, pulling up the camera and giving Killer a thumbs up. Killer waved and said cheerfully, "Hey guys, welcome to my first and last video!" Just as he said this, a booming shout echoed through the castle. "KILLER!!"


"You know.." Ink perked up, facing GasTale Sans with an attentive look. The other continued, "Radiation is just s p i c e y   a i r."


Epic and Cross were gaming. Shortly after their 69th hour of playing DDLC, Epic turned to Cross and stated in a serious tone, "At every given moment, the urge to sing 'the lions sleep tonight' is just a whim away... a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.."


Back stiff and head held high, Cross stared defiantly at XGaster, his hands holding the front of his dress so that he wouldn't trip on it. "Step-mother, I am not picking up this mess! They call me Cinderella for a reason, I'll burn a bitch down." One hand released the dress, coming up to rub Cross's skull. "That, and I committed arson a couple times."


Nightmare stood in front of Cross, expression annoyed as Cross spoke animatedly, the shorter's hands flashing in front of him with each word. "So you're telling me you can bippity-bippity-bop me some new shoes and a carousel, but you can't bippity-bippity-bop away my hip dips?" Nightmare sighed. Cross hummed sarcastically, shaking his hands, "Something's not adding up here."


"Out of any animal in the world I could've talked to, in this movie," Cross pointed at Ink and Chara, glaring at Jakei, "you made me talk to rats?!" Chara huffed and turned away. Ink only blinked, eyes blank. Cross continued to shout, "Literal bubonic plagues?!"


Dream stood awkwardly in front of Cross, bow in hand and skull dotted with sweat. Cross looked him up and down, brows raised. "..Yeah, I'm not impressed." Dream deflated, slumping over. Cross held a hand up, directly over Dream's head. "You're 5'4. Lil' shorty the baddest over here. Yanno what I mean." Killer cackled in the background.


Once again, Dream knelt awkwardly in front of Cross, this time holding a shoe. Cross stared down at him, his arms folded over his chest. "How many other people have tried on that shoe before?" Dream shrugged, reaching out to grab Cross's ankle, only to flinch in surprise as Cross shouted and swung his legs up onto the seat he was in. "Ew! Gimme my foot back, Mister disgusting prince foot fetish! You are not getting my hand in marriage!" Dream's mouth hung open, hands still hovering in place as Cross petted his foot and spoke to it. "C'mon, let's go."

Jakei threw the script down, covering her face with a groan. Epic wheezed as Cross hopped away on one leg, leaving Dream kneeling with a crestfalled expression.


Nightmare studied his notes, trying to make sense of what it said. It was a list of the phrases and words that he thought Killer and Cross used to text. idk, lmao, with the rest, ttyl, xox. Nightmare gripped his skull, breathing heavily. What the fuck does it mean?!

Meanwhile, in the next room, Cross and Killer were actually texting each other things like, Where for art thou, sexy beast? Thine thiccness is conquered by no other. Nightmare was heard screaming later that night.

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