Pirates - 2

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a chapter!!! [have like two more written :) i'm gonna try posting every weekend]


Cross woke up with Killer in his face. It took a long second to process. A long second of blinking slowly and sleepily, his eyelights hazy with sleep. Killer's smile widened. "Mornin', buddy." Cross blinked slowly again. His soul thumped, and he tensed. His eyes snapped open, and with a cry, he twisted around and slammed his foot into the other's chest, sending him crashing into the wall. The racket attracted attention, Dust and Horror both appearing with twin expressions of curiosity. Killer sank against the wall, groaning, a hand on his head. Cross stared at him with wide eyes, his leg still up in the air.

"Shit man.. You really pack a punch," Killer grumbled. Cross shook his head, his senses coming back. He dropped his leg, now sitting up in his cot. Where the hell was he?? "Where am I???" Killer grunted, standing up with a wince. "Forget already? D'ya have amnesia or some shit?" Cross scowled, flinging a pillow at Killer indignantly. "No, you fucking moron, I-"

"What is going on here?" Cross jumped out of bed quickly, turning to face the captain. "Nothing," he blurted, at the same time that Killer said, "He kicked me." Cross whipped around to glare at him, hissing through his teeth- And ow, that hurt. He winced, anger stuttering, and ducked his head to feel at his teeth. His fingers came away stained purple, much to his chagrin. Cross sighed. "Not again."

Killer glanced at him, frowning. "What?" He shook his head to clear it, stepping up to Cross to try and get a closer look. "What's wrong?" Cross lifted his head, revealing a stream of blood gushing through his teeth. Killer stiffened in surprise, eyes wide in shock. Horror grunted his own surprise, tilting his head. Dust just stared quietly, frowning in sympathy. Cross cupped a hand under his chin, an attempt to keep the blood from hitting the floor or getting on his clothes.

Nightmare slipped past Dust and Horror, his expression displeased. "Already? You've only just awoken, Cross." The other shrugged, unable to answer for the moment. He accepted the cup he was given, spitting into it and carefully wiping his mouth. Nightmare offered him a rag, "It's clean." Cross snatched it, pressing it to his mouth. Dust huffed quietly. "You weren't kidding, huh?" Cross shot him a look, Killer making a confused sound. "Kidding about what??"

Dust tsked, stuffing his hands in his pockets and leaning against the door frame. "He said he got hit with some heavy-duty wrenches." Killer and Horror both blinked rapidly, displaying varying forms of shock. Nightmare flicked a tentacle at them, shooing them out. "Go and make sure the others aren't making fools of themselves above deck. Killer, go and fetch the medic." Cross stepped back, his expression pinched. A medic?? As in a doctor?

The other three filed out the door, leaving Cross to glare at Nightmare. He lowered the rag for a moment, spitting into the cup and giving a scowl. "I don't want a medic," he bit out. Nightmare gave him a look, frowning. "It would be beneficial," he said, holding out another rag. Switching them out, Cross's eyes narrowed. "I don't like doctors. I refuse to see them." Nightmare tossed the rag into a bin, shaking his head, "I'm afraid you don't have a choice."

Cross had to forcibly stop himself from gritting his teeth.


The sunlight burned, stabbing his eyelights vengefully, the moment Cross stepped out onto the deck. His vision watered generously, the sun too bright. Eventually, his eyes adjusted, and he let out a breath, squinting at the people around him. A few had stopped to stare at him, probably seeing him for the first time. He eyed them warily, making a point to make for what looked like a secluded area.

He didn't get far, a sudden tug on his shirt collar bringing him to a stop. Cross grunted at the grip, twisting around to lash out instinctively, only to freeze at the sight of the large, broken-headed skeleton from the rowboat. The other tilted his head, peering down at Cross curiously. He let go of the smaller monster, watching him stumble and correct himself.

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