Cats :]

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Killer crushed the bundle of yowling fur-balls to his chest, his left eye twitching at the sensation of their fur on his soul. His grin stayed wide, the most genuine it's been in years, and a faint grey ring hung in the darkness of his right eye.

He tried his best to muffle the sounds of his new companions, shushing them and even pulling his jacket over them. He grimaced, feeling tiny claws pricking into his ribs and sternum. Still, he clung to them, though he discreetly tried to pry their claws away.

The trek through the castle wasn't as hard as he'd worried it would be. Good thing Killer was the first to return from his missi- He grunted, wheezing lightly. One of the kittens decided to attempt a roundhouse kick, thumping him right in his still-broken rib. He gave a strained chuckle, poking the small fiend on the nose. It hissed, swiping at his finger, and his grin twitched up. "Calm it, lil' buddy. Almost there." The kitten's ears flattened, its wide eyes staring at him, its tiny ears flicking back.

With a loud meow, the kitten performed a rather impressive series of acrobatics, launching itself out of his arms and onto the floor where it spat at him before dashing away. Killer blinked. The little feline's tail vanished around the corner, and he swore loudly, speed-walking after it.

A very familiar voice stopped him in his tracks, Killer freezing just before he turned the corner. "Oh! Where'd you come from?" Cross's voice dropped into a murmur, his words lost in the roaring of Killer's magic within his skull. Adrenaline raced through his body, a fine line of tremours running down his spine. Damn it damn it damn it damn it he was so dead-

"Let's get you somewhere safe... I don't want boss to hurt you." Killer's head perked up, the tiniest kernel of hope knotting in his soul. Maybe Cross could help. That bastard had infinite layers in his clothes, hiding the cats in his clothes would be so much easier-

"Ha! I knew it." Killer would never admit to making the sound he did. The suddenness of Cross's voice behind him made him nearly drop his bundle, Killer's soul going wobbly at the scare. His face lit up with a flustered blush, his words fumbling as he spun around to face Cross's smug and curious expression. "Uh- Heya! Didn't see ya there, buddy," Killer tried for an innocent smile.

Cross grinned back, knowing. He held up the run-away kitten, a sly glimmer in his eye. "Looking for someone?" The kitten stared owlishly at Killer. The rest of the cats poked their heads out, each one yelling and screaming various cat noises. Killer's smile turned sheepish. Cross snorted, reaching out to pet one. "Need some help there?"


killer with cats, my beloved <3

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