Birthday and Storytime!(Rat P2)

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UwU I felt like adding to this story, so enjoy, because why not? Trigger Warning?? I guess. Idk, there's mentions of rape and abuse.


Nightmare stared at Cross, his brow furrowed. Behind him, his tentacles curled and twitched in curiosity. Ever since that episode, Cross had seemed even warier around him, constantly mistaking him as that person. 'Hate'. And, Nightmare was curious. Who exactly was he, and what had he done that left Cross so terrified?

Well, Nightmare knew who he was. Cross said Hate was his ex, who he'd left because 'he was a bastard'. This left many more questions. What happened between them?

"Night?" Dream poked his brother, a light frown on his face. Nightmare turned his stare on him, "What?"

"You're staring at Cross... Whatcha thinking about?" Nightmare scoffed and leaned back, slumping in his seat. They were on a bus to town. Killer sat beside Cross, talking about what 'Color did' or what 'Slim said'. The teen had no clue where they were going and frankly didn't care. Cross, however, was anxiously waiting for the driver to call out their stop. "I'm gonna ask him some stuff." Dream sighed, leaning on his brother. "Don't upset him, especially not today. What are you going to ask?"

"I'm gonna ask about the guy he keeps confusing me with." Dream stiffened, "Brother, no. He's clearly heavily affected by it. It won't do any good." Nightmare shrugged, forcing his brother to straighten, and he gave a sharp smile. "I don't care. I'm just curious." Dream blinked and sighed. Of course. "Brother, you can't just keep tormenting him." He nodded towards Cross and Killer, frowning heavily. "He's with us for a reason, remember? We're supposed to help him, not poke at his traumas." Nightmare rolled his eyelight, "Talking about it will probably help him, so it's fine." Dream went to protest, but he was cut off as the bus lurched to a stop and the driver called out, "Outer Center!!" Nightmare pulled Dream up, the two trailing after Cross and Killer.

Nightmare watched impatiently as Cross tied a long strip of cloth around Killer's skull, blocking his vision. He and Dream followed Cross as he led Killer into the empty center. It was right on the edge of town, in a heavily forested area. The center was small and full of natural vegetation. There wasn't any concrete anywhere. It was like a Nature Hike Center or something.

Cross led them into a decorated clearing, telling Killer to stay where he was before he darted towards a small building. Inside, a few people stood, all of them looking either bored or excited. Cross nodded, and they all grinned and got to work.

Nightmare's attention was drawn towards the building Cross had gone into, his jaw dropping as six others carefully pulled a foldup table out. On the table sat a fancy cake, at least two feet tall. The table was lowered, and the group started putting gifts and balloons out, filling the small clearing quickly with more decorations and tables. Snacks, cake, and presents.

Dream clapped rapidly, a huge grin on his face as he squealed quietly. Cross had arranged all of this for Killer! Cross hurried out of the building, holding a few party hats. One was already strapped to his head. Dream eagerly accepted one, slipping it on quickly. Cross went to give one to Nightmare but hesitated. Nightmare sighed, and snatched the hat, putting it on. Cross bowed his head, quietly apologizing and rushing away to avoid Nightmare's possible wrath. Nightmare was slightly offended but decided not to care.

A bunch of chairs was set out, randomly, and Dream dragged Nightmare to the ones closest to the presents table. Killer still stood by himself, looking around blindly in confusion. What was happening? Where was Cross?

Nightmare snorted at the teen. His attention was stolen as a familiar group of skeletons appeared. JJ wasn't there, but everyone else was. Cross went to greet them, pointing at various places and speaking inaudibly.

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