A Date

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Dream beamed at his reflection, eyelights bright with excitement. He smoothed his hands down the front of his dress, bouncing on his feet as he adjusted the clothing. He wasn't usually the type to wear a dress, but today was special. Today, he thought with an overjoyed squeal, was his first anniversary with his boyfriend. Dream fastened a black belt over his waist, the buttons clicking as he pressed them into place. Ink had bought him the dress to wear on their first date, but Dream had insisted on saving it for something special. He tugged the orange fabric of the skirt down, straightening it and making sure none of it was folded up beneath the belt. The outfit was beautiful. Sunset orange cloth with scattered blotches of yellow glitter, the collar lined with firey red and silvery sequins, and the hem, stopping just above his knees, was splattered with carmine red. The belt, made of stretchy black fabric and two hardened ends, was wide enough to cover a large portion of his stomach and waist. It fit snugly where he'd bound it around himself, stark against the dress.

Dream checked the buttons and the zipper, nodding to himself cheerfully. He stepped away from his mirror, stopping to slip his feet into a pair of flip-flops. The last thing he did was summon his ecto. Ink had specifically said that the dress wasn't created for skeletons to wear, meaning that he had to create an ectobody for it to fit properly. Dream stepped back to the mirror, a shy smile forming. Ink was right, his ecto was pretty in this dress. A knock on the door startled him from his thoughts. "Dream? It's almost seven!" Blue called through the door, spurring Dream into action. He hurriedly grabbed his phone and slipped it beneath the belt. He didn't have pockets, and the belt was kinda tight, so his phone would be safe there. Checking his reflection one last time, Dream rushed to the door, throwing it open. Blue's eyes flashed into stars, his jaw dropping. "Goodness Dream! You look stupendous!!" Dream flushed, pleased. "Thank you, Blue. Ink bought it for me." Blue smiled, "That was nice of him. Now go, before you're late!" Dream bowed his head, "Right, see you later Blue!!"


A few heads turned when Dream rushed into the restaurant, but he was oblivious. He paid no mind to the ogling stares, stepping up to the front desk. "Excuse me, mister?" The man snapped his eyes up from Dream's chest to his face, clearing his throat and offering a smile, "Hello miss. How can I help you?" Dream laughed at this, deciding not to correct the other and instead saying, "There should be a reservation under Comyet?" The man turned away, tapping at the tablet on his desk before he grabbed a menu and asked Dream to follow him. A few minutes later, Dream was sitting at a table close to the exit. He hummed, kicking his legs as he looked around. He'd sent Ink a few messages beforehand, so he should be arriving soon. Dream had been left on read, but he didn't fret over it, thinking that Ink had just been busy getting ready.

99A waiter came by, asking if Dream wanted anything. He got mozzarella sticks, to keep himself busy while he watched the door. An hour passed, but he didn't worry about it. It was Friday night, people were always out and about on weekends. Dream took his phone out, checking Ink's contact for texts. Nothing. He sent a short message, asking if traffic had gotten bad.

He smiled to himself as he imagined Ink whining at a red light, chuckling at the thought. A waiter came by, "Sir, would you like the check?" He shook his head, smiling, "No, I'm waiting for someone." She nodded and left silently. Dream glanced back down at his phone. He'd been left on read. His grin faltered a bit, though he was quick to twitch it back up. Ink wouldn't want to get in trouble for texting and driving, he thought to himself. That would explain why he wasn't answering. Half an hour. Dream's smile grew weaker. He refreshed his message feed over and over, waiting for Ink to send anything in response. Embarrassment was starting to build as people looked at him with pity. He sent another message, biting his knuckle as he waited.

9:53>>Is everything alright?
9:53>>You're awfully late.

He blinked. Read 9:54. Dream sighed. A waiter came by, asking the same thing. He told them that he was waiting for someone. They left with a pitying expression. He hesitated before he refreshed again. Nothing. Slowly, reluctantly, he sent a text,

9:57>>Are you even coming?

He got no response besides a notification. Read 10:00. Dream's sockets began to burn with tears. Still, when the waiter came back, he asked for a few more minutes. He was very aware of the sympathetic looks he was getting. He kept his head lowered, silently wiping his tears. Fifteen minutes, and he called the waiter back. Ink or not, he was hungry. He forced his voice to stay calm as he ordered, asking for whatever he felt like. He finished the order with a request for rum. He sent Blue a text, asking him to prepare things for a hangover. He got a smiley face in response. A sound had his head snapping up.

Someone he'd never seen before, a skeleton with black streaks going down his face, had sat down in the chair across from him. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic was hella crazy." The stranger loudly explained, and added quietly, "Name's Killer, just go with it." A chatter, one that Dream had failed to notice leaving, came back over the restaurant. The new person spoke again, this time much more softly. "Look, whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick." Dream laughed wetly, tears falling freely now. "You look lovely, hun." His face warmed as he answered. "You're quite late, you know." The other smiled, casually taking the last mozzarella stick and popping it into his mouth. "I know. But you really do look nice. I like your dress." Dream looked down at himself, smiling bashfully. "...Thank you."


It was cold when Dream and Killer left the restaurant. "..Killer?" The other hummed, slowing down slightly to listen. "I wanted to thank you for tonight." Dream rubbed his arm, watching the cars to avoid looking at Killer. "It was fun, even if it started bad." Killer was silent, the sound of his footsteps growing quiet. Dream yelped as something warm was draped over his head. He reached up to tug it off, blushing quietly when he realized what it was. Killer chuckled as Dream quickly put it on, relaxing in the warmth. "No need to thank me. It was my pleasure. I..." Killer glanced to the side, "I can make our second date twice as fun?" Dream paused, wide-eyed, startled at the obvious offer. "R-really?" Killer's face started reddening, "Yeah, if you want to." Dream flushed, quiet. Then he smiled and kissed Killer's cheek, the other growing flustered as Dream laughed. "That sounds lovely." 

(Dream broke up with Ink bc ink is a little cheating bitch lmao get rekt)

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