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"Hey, hey, Cross, look!" Dust shoved his cupped hands into Cross's face, beaming as he proudly presented his findings. Cross yelped in surprise, reaching up to push his hands back. "I can't see it when you shove it in my face like thaaAAA OH MY GOD-" Wriggling in Dust's hands, thousands of tiny legs kicking, was a centipede. Cross jerked back, fumbling across the couch, falling onto the floor in his hurry. "GET IT THE FUCK AWAY!!" Dust pouted, holding the infernal thing out. "But he's a friend-" Cross screeched as Dust lost his grip on it and dropped the insect on his leg. He was not exaggerating when he began to literally have a seizure, shaking his leg and scratching his leg bones till it bled. The hellspawn scuttled over his other ankle and up his leg, slipping into his shorts. Cross didn't think twice, ripping his shorts off and snatching the damn thing, hurling it across the room. Dust cackled, pulling another centipede from literally nowhere and holding it out.

Cross shrieked and threw his shorts in Dust's face, slapping the insect out of his hands and summoning a blaster. "Cross, waIT NO-"

"The fuck is going on?! And why is Cross pants-less?" Killer asked from the doorway. Cross whipped around, eyes wide and glinting with insanity. Something brushed his toes. A scream, and then- BOOM!


Nightmare emptied the last bucket of water, extinguishing the last flame. He dropped the bucket, turning out to glare at the rest of the gang. "Who the fuck burned my castle down?" All three of them pointed at Cross. The monochrome hissed, "Dust threw a fucking centipede at me." Nightmare sighed. "Of course he did."

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