Intense Uno

210 10 18

Angsty Kross w/ Harm, requested by NarminaRasulova!

i really wanted to do both ships, but Kross won lmao

hope you enjoy!


"Why do you treat me like this?" Killer sneered at Cross's expression, "Just because we're married doesn't mean you're safe from me." Cross's pained reaction was tinged with anger, a scowl on his face. "You could at least show some mercy.." Dust watched them blankly, doing nothing as Killer's smile twitched up at the corners. "And where's the fun in that?" He flicked his hand.

Cross stiffened, his eyes widening and mouth opening in shock. His cry of outrage was drowned out by Killer's laughter. Dust cut in before Killer could say anything, intervening in the pointless conversation. "Killer, that's the fifth time you've used the plus-four card. Cross has over thirty cards, lay off."

Cross glared at the stack of cards he held. Killer snorted, "It's not my fault! He makes it so easy to win." Horror had long since put down his own set. He hadn't been able to play a card for the past fifteen minutes, not since Killer had gotten ahold of seemingly infinite reverse cards. "Besides, you're not even in the game anymore!" Indeed, Dust had no cards. He'd uno-ed out twenty minutes ago and was sticking around to see how the game ended.

"Killer, ease the bullying already. Horror wants to play." Killer sighed at Nightmare's command, defeated. "Whatever you say, boss." Killer threw down a wild card, "Change to blue." Cross visibly perked up, shuffling his cards with a grin. He had a majority of the blue cards. Smugly, he began setting down card after card, the game turning in his favor quickly. 

Killer was pouting, now the one holding an absurd amount of cards. Cross and Killer were both the masters of Uno, and if any of the two had the upper hand, the other would be the victim of vicious gameplay. Horror finally got to Uno Out, and excitedly, the rest of the gang gathered around to watch the epic showdown between Killer and Cross.

After two minutes of casual passing back and forth, Killer grit his teeth, squaring his shoulders and leaning forward slightly, and Cross responded likewise. Dust had taken to commenting on every little thing, and he didn't fail to do so now. "They're getting serious..." Cross slapped a skip down, a reverse quickly following, as well as a plus-four color wheel card, and announced, "Change to green. Killer blinked, snatching up four cards with a hiss, before grinning and putting down a plus-two, only Cross deflected with a plus-four and left Killer to grumble as he took six more cards.

Horror was quietly chanting Cross's name in between bites of some chisps. Cross usually came out on top. That half-soul of determination wasn't just for show. Dust had his hands in fists, his wide eyes riveted on the married pair, rapidly describing the scene with the energy of a glorified auctioneer. Sweat was beading on Killer's skull, his sockets narrowed. When his deck continued to grow and Cross's was shrinking, he switched to dirty tactics.

"So, are we going to be training today?" Cross's eyelights flicked up to meet Killer's singular one. A slow grin spread across the guard's face. "That depends entirely on Nightmare. Why do you want to know?" Killer laughed, voice tight with desperation. "I've been hoping to see you in your training outfit again." Killer winked, and despite the faint purple on Cross's cheeks, Cross was unrelenting.

"You mean my tank top and shorts? Or do you mean the other outfit?" A large drop of sweat darted down the side of Killer's face, his flirty grin faltering. Cross put down a red nine over his yellow one. Killer winced, stammering, "Whi..Which other outfit?" Cross's grin was turning into a smirk, his expression full of mischievous mirth. Blue six, four, two, seven, nine, green nine- 

Killer could hear the restrained laughter as Cross answered, "You haven't seen? Clearly not, if you don't know." Killer watched as Cross put down a plus-two over his and began rifling through his deck in dismay. Cross continued, "It's a simple one, like the other outfit, only without the sneakers-" Killer threw down a plus-four, Cross put down another plus-two, "-- and socks." Dust was giggling hysterically, "Cross, you're killing him-" Horror had stopped eating with how intense the game was getting.

Killer brought out all his plus cards, prepared to throw them down in quick succession. Of course, that was until Cross said, "Oh, and no shirt," just as Killer put down a plus-two. Killer sputtered, "Wha-" Cross put down a plus-four and a new battle started. Back and forth, they put down plus cards, until Killer put down another(he was burning in the face, his mind filled with images of Cross training shirtless) and he realized that he'd run out. He looked up at Cross in horror. Cross smiled, putting down a final plus-four. "Draw thirty," he purred.

(They have more than enough cards. Nightmare bought six packs of Uno cards, the type with two stacks instead of one, just for this reason, and that's also why it was possible for them to have so many plus cards. I love this new headcanon, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.)

Killer gaped at Cross, completely numb as his shaking fingers took a chunk from the deck. Cross watched him, amused as Killer sorted through his pile of cards. He put down a wild card, growling out, "Change to red." And the game started again. Cross puts down a red nine, watching smugly as Killer struggled to resist. It was futile, of course, and Killer put down a green nine, and Cross's smile sharpened. The guard pounced.

Two minutes later, Killer stared at Cross, paralyzed as he put down his last card. A plus-four. Cross smiled, "Draw four. Oh, and Uno Out." Dust let out a whoop, Horror cheering and slamming his fists on the floor, disrupting the deck of cards as he hollered, "UNDEFEATED!! CROSS IS UNDEFEATED!! GOD OF UNO!!!!" Cross laced his fingers, leaning back with his hands behind his head, his eyes closing. Killer was looking down at his cards, his eyelight gone.

He twitched, dropping them and lunging at Cross. Horror yelped, backing up as Killer grabbed Cross and aggressively kissed him. Cross's shout was muffled, a startled flush on his face. Dust cringed, his cheering cutting off, "Come on, really?? On top of the Uno cards too??" Killer growled, yanking Cross to the side, the two rolling across the floor in a mess of limbs. Dust sighed. At least they weren't on the cards anymore.

Killer clawed at Cross, demanding he submit. Cross's chest rumbled with laughter, his eyelights glittering with mirth. Killer pulled back, pinning Cross down with his entire body. "Rematch," he demanded. Cross snickered, "We both know you'll lose if it's Uno." Killer snarled, "Re. Match." Cross narrowed his eyes, his grin widening. "Sparring match." His sneer grew, "I'll even wear my training outfit for you." Killer's face grew red, though his expression didn't change.


(btw, i know that dust technically won since he'd uno-ed out first, but i like to think that dust and horror always try to leave first so they can watch killer and cross's showdown. nightmare doesn't play because he'd probably beat their asses. he's a sore loser.)


Cross woke up, his sockets burning with tears. The first sob woke Killer, Cross slowly sinking further into his sadness. Killer's expression crumpled as he reached out, brushing Cross's wet cheek. "Hey..." Cross shook his head, his eyes squeezed shut. "I can't, Killer. I can't.." 

Killer tried for a smile, the grin weak. "I know, love. It's okay. Just go back to sleep." Cross's breath hitched, throat tight. "I c-can't- I-I don't want-" His voice wavered, heavy with heartbreak and pain. Killer's broken eyelight flickered, betraying his own pain, but he steeled himself, quiet as he asked, "Don't want what?" 

Cross was shaking, tears streaming down his face. "I don't want to see them, I.." Killer's smile faltered. Them... The ache in his soul sharpened, his voice a croak when he tried to answer. "Cross..." The other sobbed, pressing himself to Killer's side with a whimper. "I miss them so much, it hurts-!" Killer hushed him gently, loosely holding him. A few tears of his own slipped free.

"I miss them too."



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