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OwO This is an installment of the Roommates Series. 


"C'mon guys, hold him still!"

"No, no, please! Stop it-!"

"Stop moving already!"

"Please! No, no, nO, NO, NO, STOP! STOP!!"

Of course, they didn't. He was forced to the ground, where the motorcycle rumbled. No one came to stop them. Not even when he started screaming. 


Cross winced as he fingered the sticky mess that was the left side of his face. The tire burn would take weeks to heal. He sighed, dropping his hand to scoop a glob of healing ointment from the tin. He had to hurry. His rent was overdue, and he couldn't stay long.


"Holy shit, isn't that the weird kid???" Nightmare glanced up from his phone, to where Killer was pointing. He shrugged, turning away from the lump on the street. "It's probably just some random old pile of trash." Killer stared over Nightmare's shoulder for a few more seconds, before he shrugged as well and followed his friend. They'd gone out for pizza hours ago and had ended up going to the movies and watching three movies back to back, and now they were headed to Dust's place for some video games and random stuff.

Killer glanced over his shoulder, one last time, and muttered a curse. "Dude, it's him." Nightmare looked back, stopping in his tracks. It was. The kid had sat up and was rummaging through the garbage can. Nightmare flicked his brow up. "The fuck is he doing??" As they watched, the kid pulled away with a half-eaten hot dog. He ate it quickly, going back to the trash to look for more. Killer scrunched up his shoulders, grossed out. "That's disgusting." Nightmare hummed, curious.

He started towards the kid, leaving Killer standing alone. "Wha- Nightmare!" He was ignored. 

Nightmare came to a standstill behind the kid, reaching out and tapping his back. He jumped back in surprise as the kid spun around. "So it is you, huh?? What're you even doing? And why the fuck are you eating trash??" He got no answer. The slighter shorter teenager only stared at him with wide eyes, trembling from the cold. "Hello?? Answer me." The kid shuddered and looked away shamefully. "Um. I was hungry?"

Nightmare blinked. "Then go home and eat??" The kid flinched, looking like he was trying to make himself smaller. "I, uh. I can't. I don't have a home, heh." It was like he was trying to make it a joke. He even gave an awkward finger gun. Nightmare stared at him, brow raised. "You're homeless?? Don't you live with Chara??" The other's expression soured, "Hah, as if he'd let me go back. Anyway, I get better food out here than I do there. I'm perfectly fine." He turned away again, resuming his task of searching for food. "Where do you ev-" The kid exclaimed, pulling away from the trashcan with a wide grin.

"Sweet! I found a doughnut! Fourth time this week, too." Nightmare cleared his throat, getting the kid's attention. "How long have you been living on the streets?" The boy muttered under his breath, counting on one hand. After a few moments, he said, "About three months? I don't know, haha." He nibbled on the doughnut, staring up at Nightmare silently. Killer finally joined Nightmare, peering over his friend's shoulder at the ragged kid. "What's your name again?"

The boy quietly swallowed, "Cross. I would've thought you knew that, since yanno, I'm the school freak. Everyone knows me." He mumbled to himself, glancing away as he shoved the doughnut into his pocket. "Kinda wish they didn't..." He shook his head, looking back at the two. "What do you want anyways?" Nightmare opened his mouth to speak, only Cross yelped and backed away rapidly. "You're not with those guys, are you?? Did they send you to finish the job?? Oh god, just tell Baron that I won't talk to anyone, I swear I won't-" Nightmare cut him off, "Woah, man. Chill. Who the hells Baron??" Cross shook his head, still backing up. "You're lying! The first time wasn't enough, he said so himself! You're gonna show up tomorrow with him and his lackeys and that motorcycle and do it again!" Nightmare, finally, took notice of the huge white bandage on Cross's cheek.

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