Nap Time

240 9 7

in which a super boring meeting leads to fluff


Dust's fingers spasmed. Nightmare raised his voice, snapping at Killer, his words not processing. Cross's voice cut through Nightmare's, snarky and rough, and Killer answered likewise. Dust tapped his fingers, staring at the ground beneath the table. The furniture jerked minutely as Cross lunged across it, Nightmare barking out shapeless noises. Dust could hear a faint ringing, the sound high pitched and growing louder with each passing second. He shut his eyes, gritting his teeth.

His fingers curled stiffly, shoulders tensing, as the ringing overtook Cross's angry yelling and Killer manic cackling. Dust glared at the floor, glowering past his bouncing knee. " guys.. are loud.." Dust twitched, Horror gruff voice cutting through his mind's fray easily. He didn't need to look to know that Cross and Killer's fight had come to a halt. Cross essentially whined, his clothes shuffling, "It's not my fault!"

"Don't care... who's fault. still loud.. upsetting Dusty."

"...I don't think he's even paying attention."

A bug skittered across the floor at his feet, pausing to wave its antennae before dashing off to where Nightmare's slippers sat unmoving. The roach brushed against Nightmare's sludge and immediately collapsed, its legs thrashing frantically. As the legs slowed, Dust thought there was even smoke rising from it, but he could be wrong. "Dust!!"

He jerked in place, snapping his head up. Nightmare was watching him, his eye narrowed. Dust stared back, silent.

"..Ya okay?" Dust blinked, turning to Horror. He nodded silently. Yeah. He was fine. Just bored. Horror tipped his head, holding Dust's gaze. His hand shifted, scuffed fingers stretching out in an offer. Killer snickered something inaudible. There was a smacking sound followed by Cross's hissed response. Dust wrestled his hand free of his shorts, shakily taking Horror's hand and gripping onto him tightly. Horror hummed, holding back just as hard. The contact calmed a roaring turmoil, Dust only noticing it after it was gone.

The meeting, if you could even call it that, carried on as usual, Dust zoning out like always, reveling in the way Horror absently rubbed his thumb over Dust's knuckles. Dust was barely clinging to consciousness by the time the meeting was over. He'd slumped over at some point, leaning into Horror's space, staring lazily at nothing. He distantly heard Killer and Cross's aggressive flirting fade away as the two left, allowing him to slip further into sleep.

Horror didn't seem to mind Dust, nuzzling the side of his skull contently. ".. want me.. to carry ya, lamb?" Horror's voice sent tingles down Dust's spine, the other's usually gruff tone softened to a near-silent rumble that had Dust's magic sparking dully with interest. He mumbled into Horror's shoulder in response, the other chuckling quietly. Horror carefully nudged him off his shoulder, and stood up, leaving Dust to mourn the loss for a second too long.

"..shh, i gotcha." Horror gingerly lifted Dust from his seat, holding the smaller to his chest. Dust slipped his arms around Horror's neck, burying his face into the fluff of Horror's hood, purring at the warmth. Horror's lumbering gait lulled him further into sleep, and by the time they reached Horror's room, Dust was dead asleep.

Horror held on a bit tighter when Dust went limp, allowing himself a smile. He struggled a bit with a door handle, but eventually figured it out. He toed the door open, shutting it with the same method, and let out a breath. He didn't bother with the lights, shuffling towards the bed in the dark. The bed groaned as he climbed on halfway, bracing a knee on the mattress. Carefully, almost reverently, Horror moved Dust onto the bed. Dust muttered as Horror moved away, one eye opening just barely. "..ror?"

Horror softly rubbed Dust's skull, "..'m here. gotta take.. shoes off." Dust's eye slid shut, "..hurry up.." Horror nodded, though he knew Dust wouldn't see, and quickly tugged at his mate's shoelaces. The sneakers were tossed aside, Horror's own shoes following them. He didn't bother with anything else, settling at Dust's side with a quiet rumble. He shifted closer, pulling the smaller closer and cuddling him with a happy chuff. Dust mumbled incoherently, unconsciously moving closer still, his forehead tucked against Horror's collarbone. Horror smiled, whispering to his small lover, " ya.. bun.." But Dust was already asleep.


hehehe cute times

horrordust is my second favorite ship, and the fact that i hardly write about it is a tragedy. my new goal is to write just as many horrordust stories as i do kross stories.

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