Sick Minds

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He froze midstep, finally realizing that he was surrounded. He quickly fell into a stance. His training had prepared him for a situation like this. He summoned his knife, watching Ink closely. "Come on, Ink."

The creator stared at him with dismay and soft pity. "Cross, we've talked about this." Cross flashed his knife again, threatening Ink with it. "I can and will stab you." Ink's gaze flicked past Cross, his nod barely perceivable. Cross, despite his elite training and skills, failed to see it. He tensed, just about to charge, when there was a pinch on his neck. "Sans, now!"

Cross yelped as a pillow cover was yanked over his head. "Hey-!" Another set of hands holding a long strip of cloth came forward. Cross shouted curses, kicking his legs as the long strip was wound around him. It kept his arms at his side, preventing him from using his sword to escape. The pillowcase was taken off. 

Cross watched with fascination and anger as Ink phased through the sword, with no injuries whatsoever. He growled, turning his wrist, trying to cause any damage. "Let me go, you damn creator!" Ink ignored his ranting, approaching with a saddened expression. He met Cross's stare, his eyes changing shapes. "You won't get better like this.."

Cross thrashed, snapping his teeth, his sockets wide and glaring. "I'm sorry, friend.." Cross wheezed, "You're not my friend! Not after you left me in that void with Chara!" Ink sighed. This wasn't working. He turned to Dream, nodding to Cross, "Can you take him back to his cell?"

Dream quietly took hold of Cross's bindings, leading the muttering skeleton away. He glanced at him repeatedly, seeing nothing of his old friend. Small tears pricked his eyes, the smaller monster sniffling. "I miss you, Cross. What happened to you?" Cross only gnashed his teeth at him, snarling about 'guardians' and 'aus'. Dream took a set of keys from his belt, stopping at a plain door with a window sawed into it. The first thing he saw opening the door was the barred windows. There was a broken vase on the floor, a few dead flowers on the ground.

He nudged Cross into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. Cross slumped in defeat against the wall, allowing Dream to untie him. He stormed to the messy bed, pouting as he sat down. He perked up after a few moments, turning and chatting with the air. Dream stared at him, his chest aching.

A new vase was put in the room later that night.


Ink sat with his face planted on the desk before him. Today's episode was the worst one yet. Ink was willing to bet that Cross thought he was holding that sword again. He'd seen Cross's drawings of it during some of their sessions. He sighed, tapping the table. Cross had ruined his chance to go outside. They'd been going to the courtyard when it happened.

There was a soft patter of feet. Ink sat up, glancing at the new person. It was Error. The other gave him a quiet smile, slipping into the seat beside Ink. "I heard about Cross." Error set a cupcake on the table, in front of Ink. "I'm sorry. I know you were hoping to show him the garden." Ink poked the pastry, frowning. Chocolate. Cross loves chocolate.

Ink grabbed Error's arm, hugging it tightly. "I miss him." Error watched in dismay as Ink burst into tears. "Hey.. It's going to be okay." Ink shook his head, crying silently into Error's shirtsleeve. Error tugged his arm back so he could pull Ink into a hug. "I miss him too, Ink."

Ink buried his face into Error's collarbone, wanting nothing more than to see Cross. The Cross he knew.


Dream knocked on the door softly, gently calling out to the person inside. "Night? Can I come in?" There was a muffled shout, followed by a thump against the door. It opened after a moment, and Dream offered a smile. His brother was the spitting image of Dream except for his eyes. Where Dream's eyelights were yellow, Nightmare's were a light purple.

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