
518 10 26

Yea, idk.(Not so old)


Cross grumbled as he sprinted, his breath coming out in puffs. His arms pumped at his sides, his soul pounding with adrenaline. Behind him, shouts and barking followed him and it was obvious that the group of policemen was gaining on him. He grit his teeth, biting back his annoyance, and turned sharply into a different path. He'd been ratted out, something that happened way too frequently, and now he was being chased. Illegal trading, theft, murder, the usual. Some crimes, he'd been framed, but most of them were true. Cross gave another breathless huff as angered shouts exploded from behind him. Someone had either fallen or they were having some issues. He continued to run forward despite the cars that sped past ahead. Cross quickly lept over the vehicles, twisting out of the path of a few larger trucks, and surged onward. He wove through the crowded streets, making for the shops and outdoor restaurants that were packed with people. Perfect.

He opened his mouth, voice filled with malice and hostility that weren't truly there, and bellowed, "OUT OF THE WAY!!" The startled crowd split, thinning and making his escape easier. A few who didn't move ended up jumping and dodging as he barreled past. Out of the corner of his eye, Cross spotted a small child curled against a wall, looking out in confusion with wide sockets. For a split second, their eyelights met, heterochromatic pupils locking onto a single white orb. Cross's determined frown wavered. He'd always had a weak spot for children. Without thinking, he made straight for the child. THeir eyelight flickered, expression morphing into fear as he shot towards them. Instead of whaling on them, Cross threw a bag of gold down and darted past them into the nearby alleyway. The young monster blinked owlishly as the pouch plopped into his lap with a jingle. A bright smile broke out, and they waved at the fugitive before rushing away. Cross didn't see the wave, more focused on the fence that he was quickly approaching. "THIS WAY!" He cursed, getting a burst of speed and reaching the fence faster. He jammed his foot against the wall, pushing off and planting his other foot on the opposite wall, boosting himself up and over the fence. He stumbled when he landed, dropping into an awkward roll before he shot up and scrambled away. Cross yelped as cement exploded at his feet, a gunshot ringing out, and the monster lept back. He hurriedly climbed onto one of the dumpsters, hands scrabbling for the fire escape ladder. Another gunshot went off, this time grazing his skull. He rushed onward, hauling himself up and scaling the ladder as fast as he could. Bullets sprayed the wall, sending bits of concrete sprinkling down and dusting his clothes.

Just as he reached the top, something in his leg shattered and exploded with pain, tearing a hoarse cry from him. Already, his socks were feeling wet and sticky from blood and marrow, the purple substance probably staining it. As much as it hurt, Cross didn't let himself pause, dragging himself onto the roof. He hit the floor with a grunt, hissing when his leg was jostled. A scowl formed when he heard the ladder rattling, pushing himself up to glare over the side. Indeed, there were officers climbing up, guns in hand. Gritting his teeth, Cross forced his slowly weakening magic to activate. Bone erupted along the ladder, breaking the bars that held the thing in place and knocking his pursuers off. The loud clatter that followed was nearly drowned out by screams. He slunk away from the edge, turning to search for a way out. He spotted a door, one that probably led into the building he was on, and immediately barricaded it with more bones. A bone materialized in his hand, and just for the hell of it, Cross flung it down over the edge. "TRY AND CATCH ME NOW, ASSHOLES!" There was no way they would be able to reach him now. Sadly, that meant there was no way he'd be able to get away. "Shit." Even though he wouldn't die from hunger or thirst, he could still bleed out. Hastily, he slipped out of his hoodie and ripped a sleeve off.

Gingerly, Cross tied the makeshift bandage around his splintered bone and pulled it tight to stem the blood flow. He groaned once he finished, laying down with a sigh. Now what? He was stuck there. JJ was going to be upset, that much he knew. He also knew that if he didn't get to HQ soon, Geno and Ccino were going to be pissed. He was supposed to be bringing back food and supplies. Reaper probably didn't really care. JJ, however, was a mother hen. If any of the group got injured, he went into parent mode and scolded them while helping them. Cross fished out his phone, the damn thing old and cracked from years of abuse. The case did nothing to prevent it, but Cross didn't really care. He tapped the screen, going to his contacts. Geno was a smart person, and he'd gotten them some type of thing that made their phones safe to use. He scrolled down to Skull's number and hit call. The bastard picked up on the fourth ring, voice rough and annoyed. "The fuck you want." Cross rolled his eyelights, "Need your help."

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