A snack or two

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There was a strange serenity to the depths today. Things felt calm and slow, easy, and Cross was feeling somewhat sleepy despite how he knew he shouldn't be. They were hunting after all.

Killer drifted overhead lazily, humming some made-up tune about jellyfish and magma. Killer was a fucking moron. At least Cross thought so. He was odd, and he kept snapping up small fish and refusing to share like the prick he was.

Cross kept his pace unhurried, yawning as he heard Killer snap at something else. He didn't bother looking this time, uncaring to see what it was since he wouldn't even be getting any. Killer could eat what he wanted.

Only, he chirped in surprise as some bloody clump of meat was suddenly pushed in his face. He jerked his head back from it, looking at Killer sharply. The fucker was grinning, though there was the smallest glint of concern in his expression.

The meat tapped against his teeth, insistent. "Open up, Crossy," Killer cooed, "Gotta eatcha fill too." Cross squinted at him dubiously. He was hungry, yes, but he didn't come out here to eat, not yet. Not until they had food for everyone else first. But Killer was pressing the moral against his mouth, the blood from it seeping through his teeth and settling on his tongue, and with a soft noise, he begrudgingly opened his mouth.

Killer triumphantly pushed to food in, his fingers catching on the sharp ends of Cross's teeth as he pulled his hand out to avoid being bitten. He licked the remaining blood from his fingers, snickering at the expression of mild annoyance and contentment that settled on Cross's face.

Cross chewed the offered meat quickly, swallowing it with a quiet rumble, "What even was that?" It was strangely sweet. Killer swam around Cross in a loop, humming noncommittally and poking at Cross's sides. Another thing he kept doing, as if keeping his hands off Cross was impossible.

"Just some chunk of a fat clam. Pretty good, huh?"

"..I guess it was.... You got anymore?"

"Nope, the last of it went into my mouth," Killer stuck his tongue out, and Cross huffed, flicking it with a finger.

"Put that away, Killer."

Killer licked Cross's hand, chuckling at the squeak he got for it. Cross pulled his hand away with a huff, his tail flicking as he swam away. Of course, like some kind of remora, Killer chased after him, sliding right up against Cross and purring at the flush of soft purple that washed over Cross's face at the proximity.

"Daw, Crossy's shy," he teased, and Cross shot him a sour look, though it didn't stick around, fading into something more reluctant, but pleased as Killer kissed a spot on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, pretty boy, I'm not gonna do nothin'," Killer mumbled into the bone, "Not yet anyways."

Cross shoved at him, snapping his teeth, his face burning a brilliant royal violet. Killer chuffed affectionately, coming right back and nuzzling a small kiss to Cross's warm cheek.

Cross, though huffy and clearly annoyed, turned his head and kissed Killer properly. A small noise escaped him at the lingering taste of clam, and Killer's laugh was muffled as Cross did his best to seek out more of the flavour.


short asf!!!! BUT YEAHHH!!!!!

some fluff after the angst :]

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