*villager noise*(EW OLD)

871 15 11

Yeah, idk (Kinda old) this part is disgusting I hate it so much, please don't read it.


The glimmer in Cross's eyelights faltered and went out. Behind him, Dust snickered, the sound cruel and mocking. Killer elbowed him and hissed angrily. Horror simply stared at me, shock underlining his features. I waited until silence fell once more, and began reading from my reports. "You have grown rash and unprofessional. You've gotten careless, inefficient, unfruitful, and thus, I have stripped you of your privileges. You will be replaced by Error. You are not to accompany us on missions, nor will you leave the mansion alone. You will go on missions only when I say so. Understood?" When I received no response, I closed an open notebook with a slam; Cross twitched, saying in a hushed murmur, "Yes, boss.." Dust didn't ridicule him like usual, his expression resembling Horror's. "Any objections?"

Faintly, Killer uttered, "...That's a little unfair, boss..." I trained my eye on him, "I do not care if it is unfair or not. I will do what I will, and you, all of you, are not in the position to tell me otherwise. Now. Cross, you are dismissed. Take your belongings from your current room, and move them to another room, which you will be led to. Killer, escort him to where he'll be staying. Everyone else, return to your duties." Killer bowed his head, "Yes, boss," and softly spoke to Cross, gently tugging him and leading him out of the room with Dust and Horror close behind. Once they left, I began stacking my notes, glancing at the shadows. "I said everyone, Error." The glitched skeleton stepped out of the dark. I waved a hand dismissively, "Well, go on." He shifted closer, arms folded over his chest. "Why." I frowned, "Did you not hear what I said?" Error seemed to grow frustrated, "I heard, I just wonder what foolishness convinced you this was necessary."

 "You speak as if I should care. I will continue with what I am doing. Cross will get punished for his behavior." He merely shook his head and left the room.

Time passed, uncertain, and I finally rose and headed towards my room; unfortunately, it happened to be across from Cross's room. I paused as I reached my door, a whisper calling my attention. Curious, I peeked into Cross's room and found myself in an inconvenient situation. The room was half packed, no longer untidy with clothes and weapons. The bed had been made, and the shelves cleared. It was odd. Another whisper had me looking towards the balcony, where I discovered Cross. He sat with Killer nearby, their backs against the rail. He was talking softly, hands constantly pulling at his scarf/cape/thing(help). Killer would reply in an equally soft voice, and when Cross started crying, he drew the smaller close and held him to his chest. Killer rocked back and forth, a hand tracing unseen patterns on Cross's back, and I could hear him whispering low words of comfort. "It'll be okay... promise."

Cross lifted his head and his eyelights found mine, startling me with how bleached the colors were. My gaze shifted away, to Killer, and I found him looking back at me, distrust and malice filling his glare. I felt his magic activate, and suddenly I was forced out of the room, the door clicking shut. I stood there for some time, before huffing and entering my room. As I undressed(he's gonna sleep), I caught myself thinking about Cross. Regret began brewing along with my thoughts, the storm beginning to roar when those lifeless eyes wormed into my mind.



It was an effort to stay composed as I followed Killer, especially with the murmurs in my mind. It was quiet until someone decided to break that silence. "So, what're you gonna do?" Killer bristled, and spun around to glare at Dust, his hand going to his hoodie pocket. "You shut the fuck up." I slowed to a stop, Horror standing beside me, and turned to watch the scene unfold. "Or what? He's not gonna do anything, and he doesn't care since he doesn't say anything either. Let me have my fun." Killer glowered, brandishing his knife and pointing it at Dust, who simply grinned in return. Horror nudged me, nodding at the duo. "Call 'em off, kid." I gave him a withering glare, "He's not a dog." His 'smile' widened, "Yeah, but he's your friend." I didn't respond, letting the tension rise, before I sighed and gave in, "...Killer. It's fine. We have better things to do." His head tilted slightly towards me, but he didn't turn away. "Oh, isn't that lovely? What's the deal, huh? He lets you into his bed, and you do what he says? That's precious." Killer let out a laugh, "Yeah, sure, as if you and little blue aren't any different." A flash of steel and Dust had his own knife out. "Don't you dare bring Blue into this."

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