RULES [updated Apr.9.23]

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I redid this because I wanted to clarify a bit more on what I'm okay with and what i'm not okay with. And I also separated the art request rules from the story requests.

 > NSFW/Suggestive Work
I will NOT write anything that has explicit descriptions of sexual activities.
However, I WILL do before and after scenes. These can be cute! And I enjoy writing two characters being absolutely enamored with each other --COUGH COUGH KROSS-
Anything that remains within the suggestive realm is alright.
Outright NSFW is NOT.
Clarification will be required. 

> Angst/Comfort Fics
Essentially all forms of angst fics are allowed here, save for one.
I will NOT write anything that has rape elements.
I am aware that I did this in Rat, but understand that Rat is quite an old series that I started writing when I was struggling to cope with my own problems.
All forms of comfort fics are also allowed.

> AU fics
If you have an AU you love and want to see more of, I'm your guy!
Please give me as much information as possible.
Links to the AU source [creator's blog, fics, etc] are encouraged!
However, I have limits as a writer.
Too many characters or complexities might overwhelm me.
I will need time to study the AU.
Please be patient, as it will make the story all the better!
Also, please understand that my interpretation may be different from yours.
The more specific you are about what you want, the better!

> Ships/Rivalries
I'm a multishipper!! All ships are welcome and respected here.
However, I may be unfamiliar or unsure with the ship dynamic/s, so remember that!!
I also adore writing enemies!
You want two characters to absolutely try to obliterate one another? You got it!
I WILL do hate ships as well COUGH COUGH KROSS
I don't have many reservations when it comes to pairing dynamics.
If you have characters that I don't know, I may have to decline.
However, this can be resolved by, once again, being specific!
The more detailed the scenario you want is, the more accurately I can write it!

> Writing Aid
Want help with a story? I offer mine!
Sharing your story ideas is a great way to help develop it!
If you're stuck on character dynamics, relationships or conflict, etc, I can offer some help!
If you want an honest opinion, just ask!
If my help sucks, don't hesitate to tell me!
If I give an idea that you want to use, you don't have to credit me in any way.
I can help with character backstories, world-building, anything!
This will be done via DMs, for your privacy and convenience.
No information will leave DMs.

> General Rules
Please, for the love of the stars, don't complain that it's taking too long.
Asking about updates is OKAY!
Telling me that I'm taking forever is NOT OKAY!
Giving me a deadline is NOT OKAY!
Critiques are welcome!
If I need to put in warnings for content, please let me know.
I am allowed to say no to requests.
If I haven't responded to a request, that means I haven't seen it yet.
Please don't tag me or repost your comment if I don't respond quickly enough.
Don't ask for a change in plot or to make a different request.
I will be tagging you when I post the story.
If you want to remain anonymous, send me your request through DMs and I will not tag you.
You cannot ask for more than one story at a time.
You cannot ask for a story when there are no slots open.
You cannot repost any of my work. You can share it, but do not repost.
Please be specific.


you can send a request, but i WILL NOT RESPOND.
this DOES NOT mean i won't take it, but it means I won't worry about it yet, as I don't want to stress myself out with more. 

You can check the number of requests and the status by looking at the title or the book description.

thank you for reading :] I hope you enjoy the stories <33

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