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I saw a thing, and a whole drabble popped up. also, lv20 cross uwuwuwu


Nightmare's eye opened the instant he felt it. A seventh aura, one that didn't belong in this realm, and it was in his castle. Nightmare quickly sat up, sliding out of bed and kneeling to wake Cross. He tapped his fingers on the sleeping monster's skull, a soft rumble answering him in record time. Cross blinked his eyes open, humming in question. "We have an intruder," Nightmare whispered.

Cross's eyelights dilated. "I need you to go alert the others, stay silent. I don't recognize this one." Cross nodded, shifting around to stand. He vanished in a flash of purple, and Nightmare was alone. It would only take a moment for Cross to gather everyone. Nightmare dropped into the shadows. A moment was all he needed.

He found himself standing in the training building. He immediately saw the unfamiliar form, forcing himself to stay in the shadows. His hearing caught up with him, allowing him to hear the panicked breathing and aborted sobs. He nearly shifted forms, but stopped himself. It could be a trap, something to lower his guard. Instead, he edged closer, peering out at the cowering figure.

He could sense their fear, the emotion heavily present in each half-whimper. He couldn't see them very well with the way they were curled up, but their clothes were mostly white. Nightmare stared at them for a moment. From what he could understand, it didn't look like they had purposefully come here. But that was confusing, because the au Nightmare's gang resided in was closed off. It was entirely inaccessible to anyone who didn't have the key.

So how did this person get here? Nightmare glanced back in the castle's direction. The others were awake and gathered in Nightmare's room, Cross's aura flaring with worry and repressed impatience. He quickly warped back to his bedroom, startling Dust as he popped up from the floor. Killer perked up, slipping a knife he'd been flipping back into his sleeve. "Boss, hey, what's going on?"

Nightmare's answer was delayed, Cross's arms slipped around him, a soft, concerned chuff cutting him off. Nightmare absently allowed it, looping a tentacle around Cross's waist as he hummed. "I'm fine, Cross. I simply went to scope out the scene." Cross's aura settled, appeased, and Nightmare continued. "There's a trespasser in our realm. They're currently hiding in the training building."

Killer sat up, "A trespasser? But Error said no one but us could get in this au." Nightmare nodded, "I'm aware. I'm not sure how they got here either, and, from what I saw, I don't think they know either."

"Whatcha mean?" Nightmare tapped his fingers on Cross's arm, "They are having a panic attack, from what I can tell." Unless this intruder was able to fake emotions, Nightmare wouldn't be fooled. Horror shifted, "..Should.. check it out..?"

"Why else would I have woken you all up? I'll open a portal for you, but keep in mind, do not attack or engage unless I allow you to." Nightmare waved a hand, the air splitting with a hiss. Killer started towards the portal, but froze as Cross growled. "What's wrong, big guy?" Cross begrudgingly let go of Nightmare, "I'll go in first." His tone booked no room for argument. Killer held his hands up in surrender, "Alright, if you say so."

Cross snapped his teeth at Killer, annoyed, before turning to duck into the portal. Killer bounced after him, Nightmare close behind. Dust and Horror ambled out a moment later, the portal sliding shut. Killer eyed the sobbing figure, slipping a knife out. "Turn the lights on," he muttered to Dust. A ripple of magic lit the lanterns lining the walls a second later. Nightmare's brow furrowed when the intruder flinched and huddled away further. Something was off here.

Cross stood unrelenting between them and the intruder, his teeth clicking as he barked out for them to show themself. The figure flinched back, their head snapping up, and cold shock washed over Nightmare. The child trembled, fat tears streaming down their face. They sobbed out something Nightmare didn't understand, pressing themself into the wall. "S-situs weia!" For a moment, Nightmare feared the child wasn't a child at all, but an infant, but infants were smaller than that. This child was at least eight. Nightmare stared at the child. He was way out of his depth.

--no transition scenes sjdfhjsd be careful not to fall into those plot holes--


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