Moss Park

434 10 12

(Kinda old but not)

(Requested by BloodYuki666)

This is AfterDeath :3

Hope you enjoy! :)


Go to the abandoned park, she'd dared him. The abandoned park at the edge of town that was rotting and rusted from years of disuse, choked with vines and overgrown grass. Why the fuck did he take the dare?! Dead needles crunched under his feet as he stomped aimlessly through the shadowy park. Reaper's ankles were scratched up from thorned plates, and his shoes kept catching on cracks in the pavement. Oh yeah, the entire concrete path was riddled with fractures and fissures that were slowly being widened by the thick vegetation that filled those valleys. Reaper was annoyed. There was a pebble in his shoe, his shoelaces constantly clung to roots and sticks, and his ankles were itchy and bloody. Something darted across his path, its scales flashing in his flashlight's beam. Letting out a string of curses that would make a sailor blush, Reaper lept away and jogged back the way he came.

When he came to a fork, he knew he'd gone the wrong way. Muttering to himself the entire time, he chanced a left turn and started down the path. More than he would've liked, Reaper walked into several spider webs, in which he'd start thrashing wildly and spitting unnecessarily. Finally, he stumbled out into a clearing, covered in webs and very disgruntled. After flinging his limbs around at least four times, Reaper was sure that he was free of spiders, and started exploring the area. The moon was bright enough that he didn't need his flashlight to see the huge lake in front of him. It was eerily silent. The bugs that had been buzzing not even a minute before were silent and Reaper couldn't hear the cars anymore. He would've been uneasy if he weren't so mesmerized by the night sky. Thousands of stars winked at him from above, forming shapes and figures both named and unnamed. All of his earlier annoyance had vanished as soon as he'd looked up, and in its place was peace. He would definitely remember this place. Once he managed to tear his eyes away, Reaper cautiously approached the lake. There was a dock stretching to what might've been the center of the lake, connecting to a large circular structure. A gazebo of sorts.

Maybe it looked nice in another lifetime, but time had done its thing. It was crumbling, the wood rotting from moisture and old age. Railing and benches were self-destructing, the floor had holes and fungus everywhere, and it smelt faintly of stale water. Reaper nudged one of the floorboards and cringed when it literally fell apart. It reminded him of chunky mud spilling off the side of a table. Gross. He painstakingly made his way towards the gazebo, finding that it wasn't as unstable when he got there. The roof had caved in at some point, taking out the floor as well, forcing Reaper to tip-toe around the gaping hole. He came to stand on the edge of the structure, crouching down to dip his fingers in the water. A swarm of shivers rolled up his arm at the cold temperature, little rings of tiny waves spreading outwards from his fingers. The ripples made the starry reflection shift and dance, ruining the glass-like appearance. It was relaxing. Reaper tipped his head back, blowing out a puff of white breath into the frigid air. He paused, hand going still. What was that? A glimmer of light started flashing from the gloom in the water, getting closer the longer he watched it.

He jerked back in surprise as the lake suddenly exploded with a blinding glow, illuminating the large clearing in an uncanny pale shine. Reaper lurched to his feet, his soul pounding, and teleported without a second thought. Only ten meters away, a white skull sat just above the water, eyelight dim with sadness as it stared at where Reaper had been. Alone again. The fleeing monster landed right in front of the park's entrance, turning tail as soon as he did. He halted at the edge of the premise, breathing heavily and glancing around, his adrenaline dying down. A slow grin spread across Reaper's face as he started down the road, to where he'd chained his bike. Just wait until Life hears about this.

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