Larger than Life

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When Ink found Error's dust, he almost didn't believe it. Error, dead. It wasn't something he could grasp. See, Error had been a big part of Ink's life. Without the destroyer, Ink had no great purpose. And now that he was gone, Ink was in shock. Error had always been larger than life, to Ink. It just didn't seem possible for Error to be dead.

He even waited to see if the glitch would show up. He traveled to Outertale, Candytale, hell, he even tried Nightmare's self-proclaimed home. He searched all the swap universes, fell universes, even lust universes. Outerlust, Outerswap, Outerfell, and it's many variants held no signs of Error. Candylust, Candyswap, Candyfell, and it's many timelines had not a single trace of Error. The abandoned Haventale that Nightmare had claimed was overly lacking in Error's presence.

He grew desperate, so much that he searched the entire multiverse for his glitched rival. Ink did not find him. He gave up his search after a year.

Time went on. The multiverse tripled in size. AUs were stacking up, piling over one another and bleeding into each other. It was on the fourth year that the multiverse began to collapse. But Ink was too busy mourning the loss of his enemy. For years, Ink had pleaded with the deities, praying for Error's death. He just wanted the destruction to end. Not once had he ever considered that it may come true. Never had it even crossed his mind that Error's existence would truly come to an end. It wasn't something he could imagine, despite his endless creativity. So for four years, Ink grieved. Depression and denial hit hard. Motivation deserted him, and he had no inspiration.

The end of the multiverse was almost greeted with open arms when it came to Ink's reaction. He didn't like this new life without Error. He'd gotten attached to the one person he could not stand. So he waited, hidden in the Doodlesphere, for his death. It never came.

AUs started to vanish. Lines became clear, codes were uncorrupted, files and documents torn apart, and the multiverse was stable again. Ink was sleeping when he appeared.

A light flooded the artist's dark room. Ink groaned as the lamps flickered on. He rolled over, hiding under his blanket, grumbling incoherent words into his damp pillow. He'd cried more than once. The lights didn't turn off. Ink sighed, "Fuck off, Dream, I've told you to leave me alone." Nothing. Growing irate, Ink threw his blankets off, hissing at the open door. "Damn it, Dream-!" He froze.

Error blinked back, his expression neutral. "Creator." He said, tipping his head in greeting. Ink didn't move, didn't breathe. Error crept forward, eyes roaming, taking in Ink's messy room. "You're quite irresponsible, you know. Leaving the multiverse like that. Fixing it took a lot out of me, I won't lie. Without you, the creators get messy, and they make things that are overall pointless." Ink couldn't look away. He couldn't form words. The only thing he could think of was how pretty the destroyer looked in that lighting.

"Dream tells me you've skipped patrol for several months now." Error stepped over to glance over the drawings and sketches Ink had taped to the walls. Paint splattered newspaper crinkled beneath his feet. He threw a look over his shoulder, "Mind explaining why?" Ink only continued to gawk. Error looked back at the wall. He reached out to trace a drawing of himself, "I'm assuming it's the same reason that you haven't left this house in so long?"

Finally, Ink rebooted. The first words he said startled him. "You are the most beautiful thing I've seen in years." Error just narrowed his eyes, his tone scolding, "Ink, now is not the time." But Ink was already shuffling out of bed. He stumbled over to Error, wanting to touch him, to see if he was real. He brushed his fingers over Error's cheekbone, inhaling sharply at the static and glitches that danced beneath his touch. "You're real." He breathed. Error blinked, leaning away. "I am." Ink's fingers traced the lines on Error's face, dipping down to rub his jaw. "You're really real."

Error chuckled, grabbing Ink's searching hand. "Okay, Romeo, at least take me to dinner first. Yes, I'm real, and I'm very tired. Like I said, restabilizing the multiverse took a lot of energy. We'll talk tomorrow." He smoothed his thumb over Ink's knuckles, his other hand coming up to hold onto Ink's free one. He laced their fingers together, a pleased blush forming. "I'm taking a nap, here and now. I refused to let you go, so you are stuck with me for the next week until I regain my magic levels." Ink didn't have it in him to say anything else. He allowed Error to lead him back to bed, saying nothing against the other when he cuddled up to Ink's side. A peaceful quiet filled the room as the two dozed off.

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