crescent headcanons

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i've decided to make more, but this time i'll add some of my headcanons about shipkids, too!


(if you don't want to read the whole pregnancies thing, skip the italic and bold text.)

Also, bonus headcanon, Skeleton Monster pregnancies don't require ecto. If the ecto was summoned when the child was conceived, then the ecto stayed summoned and the child is housed in the abdominal area until birth. When the child is ready to be born, the process splits into two segments, usual birth thing, yanno what i mean, and breaking the connection between the parent's soul and the child's. Not the whole connection, because that would kill the kid, but the soul equivalent of an umbilical cord. and then boom, baby has been born. 

Without ecto is much more simpler and most will end up doing this instead of the first. All you have to do is leave raw magic in the parenting soul and, when the intention is right, a souling is made. It's super rare for accidental pregnancies with souls, but it can happen.

to simplify: making skele babies with ecto makes you have to keep the ecto, and you go into two different types of labour, pushing out the kid and pushing out the soul from your soul, and then cutting the magical feeder so the kid don't leech off of your magic and learns to make their own. ecto pregnancies can take five to six months. 

It's also much easier and painless to pop out a baby through your soul, but accidents happen.  soul preggos take like two months, usually. but if a crap ton of magic is used, it'll take like a week. the more magic, the less time. once the kid's soul is out, you'll see a tiny, thread of magic between your soul and the kids. swipe your hand through it and wait for your kid's soul to build its physical body. catch it so you don't drop the kid, because that would suck, and then baby.

so how the kids were born! i'll add some details about their relationships with people too.

first is crescent, since he's basically one of my favorites.

Crescent wasn't planned, he was purely accidental. I'm sure you all know about Nightmare messing with Killer's soul and sucking the emotions out, right? Well, it was during one of these sessions that Nightmare got just slightly careless and gave more magic than he meant to. This magic festered in Killer's soul for a while, and it could've stayed like that for a long time. 

But, about a month later, Killer's emotions came back much earlier, and with it, a heaping pile of loneliness. Since his soul, and by extension, Killer, was desperate to be rid of it, (he wasn't used to handling his emotions properly on his own anymore) that stored magic Nightmare left behind was finally put to use, and a Souling was made.

Killer didn't know at first, and because he hadn't acknowledged it, the Souling didn't show itself, but it continued to grow. Because Killer didn't know, neither did Nightmare. It wasn't until the fourth week that Killer felt the magic drainage, but he thought nothing of it. He assumed it was because of the postponed emotion suppressing session. (Emotions are draining, man.)

It gets worse though, and Killer sneaks off to Sci's, and demands an examination. Killer hates that his soul hangs in front of his chest for everyone to see, he hates it even more when people notice it and ask about it. And he'd kill anyone for touching it. But he also didn't want to die from whatever was messing him up, so he swallows down his fears and allows Sci to take a look at his soul. (not without threatening him every five seconds. Sci was very aware of Killer's knife the entire time.)

Then Sci announces that Killer was due to give birth in five days at the latest. ("I'm sorry, what?!"---"I- Don't tell me you didn't know."---"I can't have a kid, it'll die the instant it's born!"---"I don't know why, you have strong magi-"---"Nightmare is going to kill it.") So Killer panics and asks if he can get rid of it. ("Tell me how to kill it. It needs to go immediately."---"Killer, that's your child-!"---"TELL ME."---"..You won't do it."---"Try me-"---"No, I mean it. You won't do it. I'd have to do surgery on your soul.") In the end, Killer couldn't do it. He wanted to kid to disappear, but the only solution wasn't something he could even imagine doing.

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