i swear to god he's smarter than this

244 9 5

winged kross ft. lv20 cross, requested by ErrorBerry404!! im so sorry that it's so short, BUT

there's some bonus art <333

btw guys!! updated kross week! you can read it in the challenges book :]


Killer stumbled back from Ink's swipe, launching himself into the air to dodge the second one. Ink's bright red eyelights were locked onto him, the crosshair and skull practically glowing. Yeah, the creator was definitely pissed.

Horror ambled past, his single wing flapping slowly as if it could help him move faster. His axe glinted in the light of Dream's arrow, the blade singing as Horror slapped the arrows from the air.

Killer narrowed his eyes, keeping one on Horror, and flew up higher. Ink followed, his tiny ass wings beating the air faster than Killer could see, his paintbrush clutched in his hands. Killer glanced back at Ink and shot out his wings to their full length and, in a sharp movement, he spun around and kicked the creator dead in the face. Ink dropped like a stone, Dream shrieking from somewhere.

Killer dove from the sky, zipping towards the sound of heavy thuds. He hit the ground running, tripping briefly, and making straight for the clearing in the trees. Cross's massive body slammed into a tree, shaking snow from it, one of his wings bent at an awkward angle.

Killer's wings flapped hard, boosting him forward in time to shove Cross away from Swap's hammer. They fell into the snow in a heap, Cross panting heavily in Killer's acoustic meatus. White powdery snow rained onto them, a slight breeze sifting through their feathers.

Killer was up in an instant, heaving Cross up as well, intent on dragging him away from the fight, on retreating. But there was an earsplitting whine. Cross inhaled sharply, yanking Killer back to his chest, his wings wrapping around them protectively.

The air heated, and the impact shoved Cross's feathers in his face. The smell of burning feathers and flesh was horrifying. Killer cried out, taking a fistful of Cross's sleeve. "STOP!!!" Swap's blaster kept firing, heedless of Killer's demand. Frantic, he turned in Cross's arm, gripping onto his shirt, "MOVE YOU IDIOT!! MOVE!"

Cross's teeth were bared in a snarling grimace, his eyes squeezed shut, tears beading the corners, and in a shuddering movement, he roared his pain, Killer's skull ringing from the volume

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Cross's teeth were bared in a snarling grimace, his eyes squeezed shut, tears beading the corners, and in a shuddering movement, he roared his pain, Killer's skull ringing from the volume.

A near instant later, the blaster's beam vanished, and there were sounds of fighting across the small field.

Killer didn't have time to even process before Cross growled, ashes and bloody flakes sprinkling the ground as he forced himself to take flight. Killer shook his head, incredulous, tugging at his lover's arm. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?? CROSS, STOP!!"


Cross's wing jerked, smacking Killer's chin, making him curse. Cross's feathers fluffed and he rumbled a soft apology, turning to reach for Killer, but his much smaller mate simply hissed at him to turn around.

"Sit still, moron, I'm not done," Killer said, pulling Cross's wing back towards him. He held on harder this time, smearing ointment on the large scrape that covered the outer part of Cross's wing. Cross twitched at the sting, a muted whine in his throat. Killer meanly dug his thumb into a corner of the wound. "Maybe if you hadn't tried to block a fuckin' blaster with this, we wouldn't have to be doing this." He eased the pressure, rubbing a bit more ointment on it before leaning away to snag a roll of gauze.

Cross grimaced, his wing trying to fold away from the feeling of the scratchy gauze against his sensitive wing, but Killer wasn't having it. He pulled Cross's wing back down, wrapping the gauze around it with practiced ease and speed. He finished quickly, tying it off with a flair.

Killer patted the expanse of white gauze, nudging Cross into folding his wing back. "There. All done. No flying for at least two weeks, we gotta let this heal, okay?"

Cross pouted, his wing awkwardly folded, the wrappings on it feeling tight and uncomfortable. At least his other wing was fine. It just ached a bit at the joint from when Dream wrenched it to the side, but otherwise, it was completely unharmed. He should be able to fly just fine! Only, a firm look from Killer had Cross swallowing his argument.

Sulking, Cross turned and planted face down on the bed, his wings falling limp. Killer snorted, the bed rocking slightly as he moved around. His weight vanished entirely, only briefly, before he was back, bareboned as he crawled into bed.

Despite how he was clearly trying to be pouty and upset, Cross still couldn't help but roll onto his side and scoop Killer up. His mate's adorably small wings gave a few small flaps, the raven black feathers rustling and slapping against the bed as Killer was dragged to Cross's chest. His surprise turned to amusement, his chuckle muffled.

Cross draped his honestly oversized wing over the two of them, curling his body protectively around Killer and humming lowly as Killer tried to stretch out his own wing to return the hug. It wasn't completely effective, but Cross purred nonetheless, nuzzling Killer, pleased that his mate was all safe and sound.

 It wasn't completely effective, but Cross purred nonetheless, nuzzling Killer, pleased that his mate was all safe and sound

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