Sneak peek: Coincidences- A Namjoon FF

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Here's chapter one of Coincidences, my maiden novel!


Ayanna's POV

Stepping out of my Airbnb, I took a breath of the city air.

Malmö Sweden.

I had planning this trip for years. Ever since I watched that video of Simon and Martina in Malmö, I wanted to go there.

Something about the place called me. And me being the most logical person I knew, was baffled.

For everything I did had a reason.

But this.

This was an impulse.

A whim.

I'd been saving for this every chance I got. And being a girl, a solo trip ABROAD came with a lot of terms and conditions from my family.

"YOU'RE A GIRL! How can you travel alone? You haven't travelled a lot around your country in the first place! How can we be sure about your safety and that you can manage yourself?"

"Well you want me to be independent and learn to travel and I won't know how to do any of that until I get to actually do it will I?" I replied with nonchalantly

"Hah! How dare you talk to me like that!? I won't tolerate this disrespec-"

And at that, I zoned out. There she goes again, on and on about me being disrespectful when I was just stating the facts.

My dad had no problems though. He got me. And he knew I was making valid points. So he just gave me an encouraging smile. One that meant "she'll come through"

Nevertheless, I persisted and continued to annoy them till I got permission.

This conversation continued for months, till my mother finally caved in and then it turned into her fervently giving me tips and snippets on how to stay safe and how I should always be alert and the same old lecture about how no one will take care of me but I should be able to take care of myself.

So here I was, taking care of myself, miles away from my family, wearing a hoodie, coat and jeans with my sneakers, cause the only thing that mattered in life was comfort.

Character facts - about you before we start.
I didn't want to keep a name and a set country and city. Hence the Y/N reader. You could always pick a name instead

Edit- this is now a regular fanfiction. The girl is now known as Ayanna. No surnames for now as I'm still keeping the place of origin a mystery. I didn't really want to remove the old introduction so yeah. No more confusion though

Ayanna's description
Get to know her a little better before we 🎶Begin~🎶 hehe

Height - 168cm. Kind of tall for a girl apparently. She's always been confident in carrying herself.
City of origin- a tropical coastal city.
Eye colour - brown
Skin colour- warm brown. Not too dark not light either
Body type- Not skinny. But the perfect BMI for her height.

which explains her social interaction and small group of friends which consists of a couple of friends from school, high school and college each.

Her life so far-

She's been doing great academically all her life.
Without trying.
Never came first in class cause she couldn't bring yourself to put in more effort for that, but always a fixture in the top 5.
High school got to her though.
That's where her anxiety began. Mild panic attacks and hopeless crying. Her parents brushed it off as exam fear and nervousness.
But she really didn't know why.

Then, you ended up in architecture.

Cause you didn't get into a great design college and architecture was apparently the closest to what you wanted to do.
And architecture was like high school but worse with the workload. She still ended up doing great, standing in the top 10 of your year, but she hated every minute of what she was doing. She got an internship at HENN, Germany and that's where she was right now, deciding what she was gonna pursue for her masters.

Opinions on guys

Every guy she had come across all her life was a misogynistic ass in some way or the other, always annoying all the girls around them. It disgusted her. They disgusted her.
She had always loved fictional characters in novels and movies. Sherlock was bae.

Until she started falling for kpop idols. Actual people. And then it just kept happening lol.

Kpop and BTS
She got into kpop cause you needed music while working on assignments and all the English songs started sounding the same after a point.

She listened to kpop in general and liked it.
And then she found BTS and started enjoying their music, much to the delight of her ARMY friends.
Her bias was and is Min Yoongi cause she related to him first. As a person.

But it's always be OT7 for her,cause se will love and support all of them till the end of her days. Never found a bias wrecker cause all of them could wreck it any the time.

Head on over to coincidences to read on!

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