40- Gold

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Jungkook didn't leave his dorm the next day, no matter how much Hobi tried to convince him to step out since it was their last day together before the mid-year vacation. He buried himself under the covers, muffling out every noise.

When he told the others about it, Namjoon had a distant look on his face. He just told everyone to give him some space for a while. The vacation was also long overdue at this point. Everyone reluctantly agreed, kind of sad they didn't catch up for one last time before they won't be able to see each other for a couple of weeks.


Jungkook shuddered under the blanket, trying to not think.

He can't  get rid of Taehyung like that,

can he?


Trace arranged for one of the tricked out cars that they used for their recon missions. A black shiny vehicle stood in the garage of the apartment, Trace holding the keys out to May.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you guys the entire time. You will have around three hours to yourself before you join the convoy," he said as Meira took the keys from him, only to turn around and find Taehyung look at her longingly, standing in front of the driver's door. She sighed as she tossed the keys to him, his face bursting into a grin. She turned back to Trace, who had a worried look on his face. Meira walked up to him and hugged him, him relaxing under her touch.

"Thank you..."

He smiled as he pulled her closer before letting go saying "Be safe! And no funny business or detours, okay? Kim Taehyung, eyes on the road at all times and Meira, wear your goddamned glasses you blind bat-"

May punched his arm at that, making him laugh as she pulled out her glasses case to show him.

It was a chilly morning and it was still kind of dark outside as Meira and Taehyung set off, Trace seeing them off.

He watched them disappear into the distance with a sigh, before walking to one of his own cars, going to their control centre to keep an eye on the both of them.


"This car is so COOL" Taehyung squealed as he gripped the steering wheel, Meira wearing her glasses, opening her hair, a smile on her face the entire time.

They got out of the city pretty fast because of the low traffic. Soon they were steadily speeding on the scenic highway to the Kim estate, A lush forest on either side, an occasional car passing them by. Meira opened the sunroof and stuck her head out as their Roadtrip music mix played on the speakers, delighted laughter leaving her lips.

She sat back down as she looked at Taehyung drive with a smile, occasionally stealing glances at Meira who did a bunch of things, from dreamily gazing out the window, to scrolling through her songs to find the perfect one. 

"Slow down for a bit, I want to show you something cool!" May said as she pressed a button, turning her chair 180 degrees.

"I'm surprised Trace gave us this car but then again-" May said as she flipped a couple of switches on the side panel of the back door, shutting off the windows black panels as the back seats opened up to reveal an assortment of guns "I guess one can never be too careful"

Taehyung's eyes went wide as he looked at the scene through the rearview mirror

"Am I driving an armoured vehicle-"

"One of the best!" May said as she put everything back in its place "Cool, innit?" 

"Very cool! Can you use all of them?" 

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now