38- Pursuit

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The curtain lifted, a single spotlight illuminating the centre of the stage, which was strewn with a bunch of thin fabric and fog. Soft music started and the fabric billowed as dancers pulled it off the stage, revealing a small figure crouched in the centre, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, much to everyone's delight.

Taehyung looked at the program one more time.

"Pursuit"  was the name of the performance.

A dozen other dancers walked in, their heads down, trailing the same white fabric in both of their hands as the dancer in the centre slowly lifted their head, looking at the ceiling, which was decorated with swathes of the same thin white fabric, little golden stars hanging from the ceiling.

"Wait is that-" Taehyung leaned on the edge of the seat, trying to make sure

"That's Jimin alright", Meira said with a smile as they looked at the white-clothed figure, light blue glitter stars painted on his face.

He bowed one more time with the music before a voice whispered


And the entire stage seemed to burst in an explosion of colour, the lights turning all the solemn white fabric into a sea of colour as dancers twirled and glided across the stage.

A sea of rainbow that pulsated and glowed, white dancers manipulating and moulding it into waves and mountains, the fabric appearing feather-light one second and rock hard at others.

They spotted Lauryn and Hobi in the crowds too, recognising their positions as the seconds, leading them to be in the centres of action. The music reached a crescendo as the folded up fabric from the ceiling dropped down, the light changing into deep shades of blue now, the entire stage gloomy as the dancers stumbled about, intoxicated, tired.

Tired of running, with no destination in sight.

Everyone looked tired, until Hoseok walked up to the centre, a single fabric in his hand as he performed a complex solo routine. the last move led to him snapping his fabric onto one of the dark columns, immediately lighting it up in what seemed to be flames. A trick of the lights, but impressive nonetheless. The columns slowly changed one by one as thundering percussion music played in the background, the dancers slowly awakening from their slumber, like marionettes who had finally realised their strings had been cut. 

The stage got washed out in white once again, as everyone looked at each other, seemingly asking for answers. Lauryn walked up to the centre, delicately climbing onto a three-step human pyramid, her hands hidden in by two large swathes of white fabric, it trailing behind her as she solemnly looked at the ceiling as Jimin had. She looked at the audience with a determined look, before she threw away the fabric in total silence, before jumping off in a front flip, landing it perfectly, looking up at the audience with a smirk on her face as the music started again, this time with a completely different feel.



The audience watched in awe as the entire aura changed, some of the dancers still retaining their fabric, others tossing it off the stage as flowing projectiles, often with cheers as the stage turned into a delightful cacophony of dances, all seemingly fitting in with each other, creating a kaleidoscope of movements and colours. Everyone worked with each other. There were backflips and pirouettes as everyone found their own ways. The music was absolutely delightful too. A mix of beats and melodies that flowed through the dancers' veins.

The entire audience held their breath as they watched the ending of the performance unfold, the stage changing with the dancers too.

A round of thundering applause echoed in the theatre as the music cut off, everyone getting up from their seats.

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