8- Secrets

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Meira awoke to the disproportionately loud ringtone of her phone and Lauryn throwing a pillow at her face in annoyance. She groaned and took a look at the screen, jumping up the moment she saw who it was. She quickly accepted the call and rummaged through her bag for her earphones

"One second-" she said as she finally found them and put them on, before putting on her coat and stepping out into the chilly morning air.

"Yes okay you can talk now," Meira said as she tightened the scarf around her neck.

"How are you doing?" The voice on the other side asked in a curious tone

"If you don't mind, sir, please cut to the chase," she said in annoyance, partly caused by the fact that she was woken up at this ungodly hour when it was still dark out and partly cause it was hecking cold.

"Ahh May May May... I'm calling you as your father, not as your boss-"

"We both know if that was true, you wouldn't call me at the ass crack of dawn," she said as she rolled her eyes, sitting down on the ice-cold bench, looking up at the faint streaks of light in the sky

He sighed as he continued "Fair enough... Okay then... Lumiere-"

"Come on dad you know how lame that is. Just L. Please. Listen to me for once"

"Fine. L. Remember when I told you you'd have your *college life* but under one condition? That you would have to drop everything and come back in case you get an assignment?"

"Yes-" Meira said in a soft voice as she thought again of the package she had gotten.

"Well here's your assignment. And lucky for you, it involves you staying right where you are."

She stood up at that, "Go on..."

"You need to keep an eye on one of your peers. He's from an important family. And there are whispers underground that he may be at risk. This family asked for you, personally. Apparently, they'd heard about you when they asked around. You were recommended by Oblique and the Genesis gang too."

Meira recalled the bloody noses and bruised fists from a couple of years back. That assignment still gave her shudders, considering that was the closest she had come to dying.

They had to team up with the Genesis gang to fight against Gloss.
They were grossly overpowered. The Genesis gang and her dad lost a lot of people that day.

She never got to see Gloss's face that day as he pinned her to the ground, placing a boot on her face, pointing a gun at her in case she decided to fight back.

The only reason Gloss didn't kill her was because he was impressed. He seemed to enjoy fighting with her.

She still heard his voice sometimes
"We will meet again L" he had whispered as he chuckled through his black mask.

She shuddered as a gust of chilly wind brought her back to reality

"Who is this person?"

"He's a music major. His name is
Kim Taehyung."

Meira stood there as she processed what she'd heard.

He didn't seem like he was brought up that way-


She hadn't seen the signs.
They were right there. Staring at her in the face.
The way he dressed.
The way he carried himself.
The way he absorbed everything she'd decided to share with him about her childhood.

Like he had been starved of that.



"Hmm? Yeah. Yeah, I got it. Kim Taehyung."

"Have you met him?"

"Lucky for you, I'm working on one of my assignments with him"

"Well, that's PERFECT! Good work, my daughter!"

"Anything else?" she asked as she walked back to her dorm, looking around as the campus slowly came alive for the day.

"Stay alert and stay close to him. We don't know who had their eyes on him and what they intend to do."

"Any idea who it might be though?"

"There are very vague rumours. But there's a possibility that it might be Gloss"

Meira cursed under her breath as she cut the call, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she made her way to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Might as well get this done with" she sighed as she entered the pretty empty cafeteria.

She grabbed a plate of breakfast and a large cup of coffee, thinking about the revelations her father had just dropped when she heard a voice call out.
A voice she was hoping she wouldn't hear for the better part of the day.

"Meira!" Taehyung called to her, sitting by one of the large windows in the cafeteria.

Meira sighed before turning around and sitting in front of him.
Taehyung gave her a small smile before fiddling with his hands on the table.

Why was he acting like this?

Oh, wait.

Yesterday night's events came rushing back to her and she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Oh!" He said as he remembered something, reaching into his bag as he pulled out her hoodie, handing it to her.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome" She took it, considering what to do with it since she didn't have a bag, slipping it over her head instead. It was warm from being in the backpack and had a faint scent of his perfume, mixed with her own.

She sipped her coffee as she thought about what to do about this peculiar situation.

It would be new years in a couple of weeks so they'd all go their separate ways before reuniting for two months till the year ends.

She had to stay with him for the rest of the years here too, at least till the threat led to a dead end.

Taehyung on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about yesterday night. He wondered whether he should ask her out yet or wait a while to see where this went.

Both of them ate their breakfast in silence, lost in their thoughts.

The cafeteria slowly started filling up with people as both of them sipped their second cups of coffee.

Jungkook and Hoseok joined their table, both of them half asleep since they hadn't had their morning caffeine yet.

"You guys are up early," Hoseok said as he stifled a yawn.

"Couldn't sleep?" Jungkook asked Taehyung with a smirk, which caused Meira to shoot him a look.

"Am I missing something here?" Hoseok asked as he watched this exchange.

"Nope" Taehyung and Meira answered in unison

Lauryn entered and seated herself next to Meira

"What was up with that phone call at that ungodly hour?!" She said as she smacked May's back, causing everyone to look at Meira curiously

"Oh- oh it was nothing. Just my dad. Checking up on me."

"At 5:00 in the morning?!"

"Yeah... He's on a business trip right now and he forgot about the time difference." Meira said, the well-rehearsed lie fooling almost everybody at the table.

Taehyung realised he didn't really know much about Meira's life, save for the assorted incidents she'd decide to narrate from time to time.

Well, she didn't know much about him either.

But he had secrets to keep

So what secrets was she hiding?

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