32- Candour

379 41 5

Meira stepped into the shower, stripping her blood-stained clothes down on the floor while turning the shower on, the scalding hot water pounding her back. She stared at the clothes, the blood mixing with the steaming water, the red tendrils seeping out slowly, filling the entire shower with its metallic scent.

Water ran down her face, dripping down the ends of her hair, the thick steam in the bathroom making it harder to breathe by the second. She shut off the water and scrubbed herself raw, trying to forget about what had just happened, her skin turning pinkish because of the force. Rinsing off the soap she took the soaked clothes and dropped them in the laundry basket, wrapping a towel and walking into her closet.

Picking a black outfit made up of joggers and a  hoodie, she changed and drew the hood over her head as she stepped into the bedroom, sitting down on her bed, the soft mattress sinking under her weight. She stared at her nightstand, untouched since she had first set it up, a single black pen in the pen stand. 

She took it in her hand, twirling it a couple of times, 

before uncapping it, drawing on her left arm.


 She walked out into the living room. She saw Trace talking to Taehyung, an arm wrapped around him. 

Sure, she had wanted Taehyung to meet Trace and her dad, 

but not like this.


"I don't know how much of that you believed or how much you trust Meira now that you know she was hiding things from you," Trace said as he walked up to Taehyung. he stood next to him resting his hands on the railing as they looked at the lit city below them.

"But, let's be real here, you didn't tell her who you were, did you? You haven't told any of them, that you're Kim Taehyung, heir to one of the biggest corporations in this country."

"It's not the same as this"

"And why not?"

"She killed three people tonight"

"It was either those three people, or it was going to be you. She made that choice. Meira doesn't like killing. That ruthless look she has when she does? That stems from a strong urge to protect. Someone she cares about. Someone she loves,"  Trace sighed before he continued

"She wanted to get away from that life. That's why she came here, to do what she loves, art. The assignment came later, completely unexpectedly. I don't know how much of this you're willing to believe, but Meira? She's given you her heart at this point, whether you like it or not. Those two days she had disappeared? She came here, asking me if she could truly love someone when her life is as twisted as it is..."

Taehyung looked at Trace, newfound clarity in his eyes

"I can't tell you what to do, but know that May's love for you is true. And that you can trust her with your heart, if not anything else."

Trace turned around and stopped, spotting May looking at them from the living room. Taehyung turned around to see her standing, her hair dripping water onto her black sweater and the floor, her hands in the hoodie's pockets, face tired now that the adrenaline had worn off. She looked at him with the same blank look she had worn when she had sat on the ground back in the alley.

"Meira bub you look like a wreck... come here, let's get some food in you, shall we?" Trace said as he walked into the living room, leaving Taehyung on the balcony, taking Meira by her arm, leading her to the dining table.

Meira removed her hands from her pockets, placing them on the table, her fingers tapping impatiently as Trace ordered some Pizza for them.

Taehyung walked in slowly next to her, his eyes falling on the vines on her wrist before she had a chance to pull up her cuffs.

He took a sharp inhale as he saw her swiftly hide her hands in her pockets again.

He sat down next to her.

Trace looked at them before walking out of the room, still talking to the pizza place.

They sat in silence, Meira looking at the table as Taehyung didn't know how to begin


She looked at him through the corner of her eyes

"I- um... thank you... for saving my life... twice."

She sat statue still, the only movement being her chest rising and falling.

"I understand that you did what you had to do... and that you did it for me and that there wasn't my other way-" he trailed off at the end when he saw her look at him, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Ahhh shucks-" he scooted closer to her, wrapping her in his warm embrace as she sniffled, her tears and wet hair soaking his shirt. Taehyung felt tears in his eyes. He pulled Meira closer while looking at the ceiling, trying to keep them from rolling down. 

"Gotta admit though, you were pretty fricking badass," he said his voice cracking as he chuckled, Meira, snorting at that.

"May, the boss wants to talk to you" Trace said as he walked in on them hugging each other. She wiped her tears on her sleeves as she took the phone and walked to a corner of the apartment.

"Come, I'll give you a change of clothes and show you the bath. Wash the day off of you" Trace said, gesturing Taehyung to follow him.


"Meira are you alright?" she heard her father ask her, worry in his voice

"I'm fine..."

"And what about the boy? How's he doing? Did the both of you tell him everything?"

"He's doing fine. And we told him everything he needs to know for now. Nothing more. Not yet... This is enough information for one day"

"Okay, that sounds alright. Take your time. But Meira I can't have you going back to the dorms after this. Shift to the apartment with Trace with Taehyung-"

"What? No- Those men said they were sent by Vincent, so they most likely came by to finish what their boss couldn't-"

"Meira, Vincent's men or not, I can't take the risk of losing you. You'll still be going to college, but you saying with Trace will let us ensure your safety. I can't let you go back. Not after tonight"

Meira rubbed her temple as she nodded her head, "I understand... I'll tell Taehyung too"

"Oh and, I've told Trace this, but Taehyung will be joining the both of you for training from now on. His father wants him to be prepared, in case anything like this happens again."

"I'll let him know," she said with a sigh, exhaustion hitting her like a tonne of bricks.

"Meira... are you alright honey? Do you want me to come there-"

"No no, dad. I'm fine. Seriously. This isn't the first time I've done this."

"Okay.. just know I'm here okay? anytime, I'm here for you."

"I love you too~," she said, before saying her goodbyes and cutting the call, hearing the doorbell ring.

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