20- Recital

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May smoothed down her dress for the fourteenth time, causing Lauryn to roll her eyes.

"You sure we can't come along too?" Lauryn asked as she sat down on her bed, dangling her legs off the edge.

Meira cocked an eyebrow at how casually Lauryn included Jimin too, "No. Apparently, he only has permission for one other person," Meira said as she wore her earrings, looking at herself critically before finally giving up with a sigh.

She recalled how Taehyung tried to appear nonchalant when talking about the venue before giving up and becoming a full-blown fanboy.

"I didn't want to touch the keys! It felt like sacrilege like I was supposed to wear silk gloves-"

Lauryn interrupted her thoughts, "If I hear you sigh one more time, I am going to smack you."

Meira sighed again with a smirk as she wore her coat, hiding her dusty pink formal dress. The last thing she needed was unwanted attention as she walked from the dorms to the auditorium.

"I'm heading out now bub,"

"IN THOSE?" Lauryn pointed at May's trusty old sneakers, "NUH UH! Where the heck are those dainty formal shoes I had got you for your birthday?"

Meira couldn't run very well in those

"I don't know where I put them and I'm running out of time," She said as she tried to step out of the room, only to be blocked by Lauryn.

"Here they are, now off with those grubby shoes"

"I cleaned them yesterday woman-"

Lauryn gave May one look to shut her up and May relented.

What could go wrong? They were inside the campus after all. Nobody would dare

She wrapped the coat around her as she got out the dorms, trying to be as discreet as possible. She breathed in the cool January air as she walked to the auditorium.


She took off her coat and stepped into the room Taehyung had told her about.

And she saw why he felt the way he did.

She had a strong urge to go back and get her coloured pencils.

Meira walked down the stairs, dazed, seating herself in one of the front seats. she stared around the room in awe, trying to absorb all the details.
She didn't notice the other figure who had entered the hall, nor did she notice the way he hesitated before walked up to her row.

Yoongi walked to the seats in the front row, all dressed up for a proper recital in his sharp black suit.

Meira looked at the figure sitting down a couple of seats away and cracked a smile, extending her hand "You must be Professor Min Yoongi! Taehyung's told me so much about you!"

Yoongi took her hand and shook it, cracking a wide smile, "And you must be Ms Meira! The one who's working with Taehyung on this assignment! Believe it or not, Taehyung's told me a lot about you too! I can't wait to see what you have come up with!"

Something about that smile threw Meira off.

Maybe it was the way it didn't reach his eyes.

She shrugged it off and smiled back at him, before turning to the stage.

The lights dimmed for a moment as Taehyung walked in, in his recital outfit of a black coat-tails jacket and crisp white shirt, not looking at anything except the piano.

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