21- Circumstances

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Jungkook walked into the night, alone.
Hobi, Jimin and Lauryn were heading to the studio and the rest of them back to their dorms. 

So no one got suspicious when he mentioned he was gonna turn in early for the night.

He drew up his hood as he walked in the dark, a cold gust of wind ruffling his hair.

"Over here, Jk." he heard a voice in the shadows.

He made a sharp turn, walking into the alley

Considering its a college campus, you'd be surprised how many suspicious alleys you'd find.

People didn't bother though. Everyone just minded their own business, which was perfect.

"You wanted to see me?"

"I want you to keep an eye on Meira too. Stick next to both of them for the rest of their years here."

Jungkook cocked an eyebrow at that. He'd grown fond of Meira and Taehyung at this point. They had become real good friends the three of them. But suddenly keeping an eye on Meira too?

He knew he couldn't question this.

And that he couldn't try and deny doing this either.

After all, the circumstances that brought him to this point didn't let him do any of that.


"And be on your toes. I don't know when this is going to happen. But it could be anytime, so be prepared. That's all."

Jungkook just wordlessly nodded his head, before walking out of that place, ruminating about what he'd just heard.

Keep an eye on Meira too

Be prepared

"My life is seriously fucked up," he said as he frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair.


"Thank you for today. I don't think I will ever experience something like that again" May said looking at the sky as they walked back to the dorms

"Ahh, it was no big deal. I'm glad you liked it!" Tae said as he smiled

"I saw it today and I saw it the other day too"


"The reason you do music. You're entrancing when you're playing"

Taehyung just looked at her with an embarrassed smile, his fingers playing with his hair "ahh-"

"It's something else...", she sighed

"You're pretty magical too when you're working on art though. The twinkle in your eyes as you try to mix the colours and when you hold the brush in your mouth as you pour out some of the paint and when you are sketching and you wipe your face and charcoal rubs onto your cheeks-" Tae noticed Meira had stopped walking, looking at him with an amused smile on her face

Oh, how he wanted to bury his head into the ground right then.

"I rub charcoal on my face?? Is that why Jungkook sometimes can't help but laugh at my face. That ass- AND I AM HIS CLASSMATE-"

Taehyung laughed nervously as he went along with what Meira said, until she walked up to him, leaning dangerously close to his face.

"So you're very observant huh?"

Taehyung fumbled over his words, not being able to think straight, as she patted his head and laughed

"I'm kidding! And I'm glad you think that way. I thought I looked like a complete loon when I worked on my art. I've seen it before; the crazed expressions I pull when I sketch, or the way I talk to myself" she said as she chuckled to herself, walking ahead, looking back to see Taehyung frozen in place.

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