3- Facade

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Namjoon joined their table too.

And Jungkook got low-key obsessed with him.

"Why do you keep changing your books? Every day I see you reading a different one" Jimin asked Namjoon

"I finish them. So I start a new one-"

"Woah!" Jungkook said

"As expected from Mr IQ 148," Tae said as he slapped Namjoon's back

"So- so you're telling me that you scored a 148 on the IQ test in high school?" Jungkook asked with big eyes

Namjoon shoved Taehyung

"You're not supposed to tell everyone you meet this! I should've hidden my enrollment form better- but then again you practically snatched it from me..."

"Taehyung does that. He snatches things from you as fast as lightning. I've gotten careful after he snatched my dumplings and other snacks" Jimin says while pouting

Soon it became a natural thing, the seven of them hanging out during the breaks, parting ways after, occasionally bumping into each other when they moved between the buildings.


Jungkook and Taehyung now had a secret handshake, which caused Meira to roll her eyes, and cause everyone to stare.

"I swear to god you guys don't have to do this every time you meet each other between classes," Meira said as she pinched the bridge of her nose, Namjoon giving her a tired smile.

"But we WAnt to!" Both of them yell in between of their coordinated jump,

"I disown the both of you," she said as she pulled her hood up and walked towards the class leaving them behind.

"WAIT-" Jungkook yelled as he ran, leaving Taehyung laughing "see you all later!" he called out


Meira vaguely heard her professor talk about a project they had to work on.

Something about partnering with students from the conservatory.

The conservatory? Taehyung and Namjoon-

She looked out the window, lost in thought

She had started going to the conservatory a lot these days.
On her spare days, she'd go and sit in the air-conditioned concert hall. People would play Bach and Chopin and live music was a welcome change from the bass blasting in her headphones.

Jungkook had tried to find her whenever she disappeared like this but soon gave up.

After all, he disappeared sometimes too.

Mostly to play video games.

"May!" She heard him whisper excitedly "did you hear?!"

"Yeah.. something about partnering with students from the conservatory for a project?"

"Yup yup! I can partner with Namjoon!" He said, excitement lighting up his eyes

"Then I guess I'll ask Tae..." She said before looking out the window again, the rose bushes across the road moving slowly in the breeze...

Meira didn't know what to make of Taehyung.
Sure they'd been hanging out for a while now. But something about him felt...

Like he was hiding something
Or like he had-

A facade.


Taehyung agreed. They had been informed of the project too. By a enthusiastic Professor Seokjin.

"Ahhh... Art and music coming together to create something beautiful~ doesn't it sound perfect, Professor Yoongi?" He asked with a flourish

Professor Yoongi nodded his head as he took a sip of his third iced americano of the day.

"This will be your project for the year. So it's something you will work on throughout the entire year along with the side projects and mandated recitals.", Yoongi said in a matter of fact way, "so pick someone you know you can work with. If any of you have trouble picking partners, contact us and we'll assign them instead-"

Taehyung immediately thought of Meira. He didn't know why. But the moment the art department was mentioned, he didn't think of Jungkook.
He thought of Meira.
He didn't know a lot about her. But he was curious.


Meira went to the conservatory after class. Jungkook couldn't wait to go and start working on the project, so he had dashed the moment they were allowed to go.

Taehyung said he had something to do before meeting up so she had some time to kill.

She seated herself in a dark corner of the empty concert hall and closed her eyes. She had been planning to sketch, but the air-conditioning made her feel sleepy.

She woke up to soft music. Someone was gently playing the moonlight sonata.
She groggily opened her eyes and looked at the stage, taking a few seconds to adjust to the light.

On the piano was a dark-haired figure, a beret resting at an angle, long fingers moving from key to key, effortlessly.

She leaned on the seat in front of her and watched as the piece slowly gained pace, shifting from the first movement to the second and the third, the pianist moving to the beat of the music. She was poised to clap at the end of the third movement, but he didn't stop.

Instead, she looked on, mesmerized, as the music changed into something completely different.

She was familiar with classical pieces now, but this one-

She hadn't heard this one before...

It took the pace of the third movement and ran with it, the song descending into urgent manic chaos, before calming down..., his entire body shaking with the intensity of the music, his beret flying off as he played, his eyes closed, completely lost in the music.

She fished her glasses out of her bag and squinted to see who it was.

He sat back, panting, looking up at the ceiling.

It was Taehyung.

He got up and picked up his beret, looking at the piano the entire time.

He kissed his fingers and brushed them on the piano before walking out of the hall, footsteps echoing on the hardwood floor.

Meira didn't know what to make of that.
She sat back on her seat, her mind blank as she recalled what she witnessed.

Taehyung came across as goofy, with that eternal smile and the mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

But right now, while playing that piece-

She looked at her watch as she remembered about their meeting.

She slung her backpack and walked out of the hall, a smirk on her face.

This project just got a whole lot more interesting...

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