23- A whim

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The day turned out to be a busy busy day for both teams. People entered the atrium, hearing about a whole new VR experience, only to hear about a magical golden dome in another corner of the place. Word spread quickly through Instagram posts and people just chatting with each other about the exhibition in the art department's alluring atrium.

Namjoon and Jungkook kept putting on and taking off headsets, wide smiles on their faces as they saw the expressions of people when they took off the equipment.

And Meira and Taehyung stood by their installation, Meira smiling in a corner, looking on as Taehyung chatted up a storm and took pictures for people.

"So this is what you came up with" she heard a familiar deep voice from her side. She turned saw Yoongi there, smiling, Seokjin standing next to him wide-eyed.

"What is that piece?" Seokjin asked as he swayed a bit

"It's an original composed by Kim Taehyung over there" 

"The first year?" he asked with intrigue written all over his face.

"The first year" Yoongi replied with a wide grin, watching as Jin walked forward, his hands behind his back as he took in all the details of the installation.

"I must say, Ms Meira, I'm very impressed..."

Meira felt a chill up her spine when she heard that.

Yoongi walked towards the installation before she could thank him and she stood there, confusion on her face as she looked at the floor.


"Hmm?" She asked as she looked up to see Taehyung looking at her, concern on his face.

"You looked pale there for a second, maybe sit down for a bit or are you hungry? We could get something to eat-"

No, no Tae, I'm fine-" she said as her stomach uttered a growl of protest. 

"Come on let's go," he said as he grabbed her hand, pulling her before she could protest. She looked back at Yoongi and Jin, who were pointing and looking at the pictures, Jin smiling his endearing smile, while Yoongi looked on solemnly, occasionally sipping from his ever-present coffee cup.


"Are you sure we can just leave it like that?" Meira asked as they weaved through the crowds of students

"We can't guard it all the time. Plus, the faculty keep going round the place so I wouldn't worry about it too much." He said as he firmly held her hand, pulling her towards the cafeteria.


Jimin, Hoseok and Lauryn stopped by the installations later that evening, as orange light filtered through the atrium. 

"We've been hearing about this all day," Hoseok said as he slipped on the headset.

"And Hobi here was going around proudly proclaiming that he knew who made it-" Lauryn said, chuckling when Hobi playfully punched her arm. Namjoon wore the other headset as Jimin and Lauryn decided to check the other installation first.

"Holy shi-" Jimin said as he walked ahead, looking at the glowing dome, which had faint streaks of orange on it too

Lauryn just stood on the side, her mouth open, a dazed look on her face.

Jimin took her by her waist in one hand, holding her hand with the other. and before she knew it, he started twirling her to the music that was playing. 



The atrium was closing down for the day, so there weren't a lot of people around when Jimin and Lauryn danced, but those who were around looked on with interest

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