22- D-day

529 48 41



"Eunoia" won first place in the Kim Taehyung category of the "Love Yourself awards 2020"

hosted by the lovely @bangtastic_bae. I just logged on to work on it and I saw the notification and let me tell you some curses were uttered- (out of excitement of course-)

I don't know what I've done to deserve this but lemme tell you I will be smiling like an idiot for the rest of the day LoL.



Now without further ado, here's today's chapter...






It took Taehyung a full fifteen minutes before he was done gushing over what Meira had managed to pull off. He walked in and out multiple times, gasping; giggling when he noticed the question papers and old sheet music.

That's when it hit him

"It's literally made up of the year we spent here" 

Meira nodded with a smile, handing him a roll of fairy lights, "Come on now, we've just got a day"

"Any idea where Joon and Jk at?"

"Not really, no..." 

They started working on adding all the touches, adding a couple of rolls of fairy lights, photos and random bits and bobs they had gathered throughout the year.

It was 7:30 in the evening by the time they decided to take a break.

The atrium was considerably quieter now. Meira handed Taehyung a juice box as he was fiddling with one of the pictures trying to get it to lay just right. They took a step back to admire their handiwork, May flicking a switch to turn on the LEDs. 

People stopped working when they noticed the magical sight that was their installation.

"What do we call it?" Taehyung asked as he took a sip



They end up hanging out in the atrium till 1:00 in the morning, with a handful of other students. They had finished working at around 11:00, so they spent the rest of the time sitting on the floor, eating their first proper meal of the day.

"The entire atrium was designed," Taehyung started, in between sandwich bites," in such a way that the glass ceiling filters in the moonlight, adding an eerie glow, with strategic lights here and there, making the entire place ethereal-" he stopped, low-key embarrassed

"I wonder why we haven't been able to sit here before. Then again, the atrium usually closes off at 7:00 in the evening..." May said as she looked at the glass panes

"I  heard one of the seniors talk about this. He said you could never forget a night spent in the atrium"

"Well he was right" she sighed, not noticing Taehyung had snatched a cookie from her paper plate.


"If there's something you should know by now, is that nothing is safe around me. Especially not food," he said as ate the cookie in one bite

Eunoia | A Taehyung FF | (completed✓)Where stories live. Discover now